The child has an earache - what can I do?

When a small child begins to hurt his ear, parents may not immediately understand what is the reason, and his first help greatly harm his health. Therefore, you first need to figure out what exactly and how it hurts, and then as quickly as possible to provide the necessary help to the baby. In young children, a very common problem is getting small items and items from toys into the ear, and at the age of 4-5 years, children are strongly prone to ear infections.

A very small child, who does not yet fully speak, can grasp the ear even without sharp pain. This can happen after bathing with water, or from the fact that it just itches. More adult children can explain the nature of the pain, but with the kids things are more complicated. In order to understand what to do and how to relieve the pain before the visit to the doctor, if the child has an earache, one must at least approximately understand its nature.

Pain in the ear can be caused by:

If you understand that the cause of discomfort is a trauma, you need to find out all the circumstances of the incident and take the child to a specialist. If there is an open wound, then parents can disinfect it independently, but only the doctor can determine if there is damage to the inner ear.

It is also the case with small items that could get into the child's ear. Having eliminated the subject, carefully monitor the child's well-being, but it is still better to show it to a specialist to exclude infection and other consequences

In other cases, parents, most likely, will not be able to recognize the cause of the pain, so before the visit the doctor will have to relieve the child of pain.

First aid with more in the ear

So, what can be done urgently when the child has an earache:

  1. Apply a warm compress. Compress can be prepared from gauze and water-alcohol solution, which must be preheated beforehand. In no case can not bury alcohol (even boric) inside the auricle, it can harm later, as well as make a warming compress if pus from the pus or is the temperature. To replace an alcohol compress it is possible and a woolen scarf if there is no other way out.
  2. Tampon with boric alcohol inside the ear (not deep!). This method is suitable in case there is a pronounced temperature. In this case, alcohol does not need to be heated, simply moisten the cotton wool and insert it into the ear.
  3. To treat a cold , to get rid of the cold as much as possible. If it is obvious that the pain in the ear is the consequences of a cold, then it is worth tackling the elimination of the original source, especially the common cold. Immediately clean the nasal passage of the child with an aspirator or help him blow his nose.
  4. Dry heat. If the child has a bad ear after bathing, see what to do. It is necessary to attach a warm water bottle wrapped in a towel to the sink, or a soy warmer, that is, create a dry, abundant heat.
  5. Obligatory consultation of a specialist. Regardless of whether it became easier for the child after the help you provided or not, you can not be 100% sure that the disease has been cured, so it is necessary to show LOR as soon as possible.

If a child has a very sore ear, what if none of the above methods is suitable for you? You can try to give a baby painkiller, but you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child before the visit to the doctor and do not overdo it with the amount of medicine. Bury the drops that are advised on TV or good friends, it is not necessary, because only a medical specialist knows exactly what to do when the child hurts his ear.