Than to treat a cystitis at children?

Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) can occur at any age. But for children, treatment should be administered with extreme caution. At the first signs of cystitis should consult a specialist.

The treatment regimen is prescribed taking into account the age, weight and stage of the child's illness. As a rule, antibacterial drugs are prescribed - antibiotics, uroseptics.

Children are selected sparing drugs, often on a plant basis. It is very important to take the drugs completely throughout the course of treatment. Even if there are clear signs of improvement.

Among the most popular drugs should be named Furadonin, Furozolidone, Kanefron, Augmentin and others. Let's consider some preparations in more detail.

Medicine for cystitis for children

  1. Furadonin - often prescribed for children with cystitis. It is an antimicrobial drug with a wide spectrum of action. Especially well helps to cope with urinary tract infections.
  2. Also very effective antimicrobial agent for cystitis in children is Furazolidone. This drug provokes the death of most urogenital infections.
  3. In addition to the use of antibiotics, in the treatment of cystitis children often prescribe Kanefron - a homeopathic remedy.

How to treat cystitis in children at home?

Traditional treatment of cystitis in children is additional help to the child's body.

Improve warmth and increase the effectiveness of medical treatment can warm sessile baths. It is very good to use for infusions infusions of herbs of sage, calendula, St. John's wort.

Infusions and broths of chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, fennel seeds and other herbs will promote a speedy recovery.

Timely detection of the disease and the selection of individual treatment will help in the shortest time to overcome the ailment and preserve your child's health.