Seeds of dill with cystitis

Dill is a well-known herb that is famous not only for its bright taste, but also for medicinal properties, so it has been used since ancient times in folk medicine of countries all over the world. Especially popular is the treatment of dill seeds with inflammation of the bladder (cystitis).

Decoctions and infusions of dill seed with cystitis help to reduce inflammation and reduce painful sensations. This is due to the bactericidal and antibacterial action of dill. Dill also helps to normalize metabolic processes in the cells of the body.

How to brew fennel with cystitis?

  1. Decoction of dill seeds with cystitis. It is necessary to pour boiling water (200 ml) a tablespoon of seeds. Then 10-15 minutes. insist on a water bath. After this, the broth must be filtered through a double gauze or sieve. Take half a glass from 4 to 5 times a day. The course of reception of broth makes 7-10 days.
  2. Infusion of dill seeds. Seeds should be ground in a coffee grinder. Next, a tablespoon of the powder obtained, pour a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for two to three hours. Drink 100 ml, once or twice a day.

To enhance the effect, it is better to drink a warmed broth or infusion. Also, it is necessary to refuse for the period of treatment from drinking alcohol, coffee, too salty, sweet and smoked food.

Contraindications of dill application in cystitis

Before preparing the decoctions and infusions of a wonderful phytotherapeutic agent, it is better to consult a specialist, because they can damage people with low blood pressure, biliary tract diseases and individual intolerance.

Thus, fennel seeds are a complementary agent in the complex treatment of cystitis, which will help to achieve the desired result faster and prevent the occurrence of relapses in the future.