When can you have sex after childbirth?

Many couples are looking forward to the moment when you can take your baby in your arms. And this is due not only to the fact that the child is long-awaited, but also to the fact that during pregnancy for many intimate closeness was limited, or even banned. When it is possible to have sex after childbirth - this is one of the most common questions asked by obstetrician-gynecologists. It is very important to pay attention to how the birth will take place and whether there are any consequences of this significant event.

How did the childbirth progress?

According to most gynecologists, the first sex after childbirth may be in a month and a half. This is due to the fact that during this time the uterus can return to the previous size and the woman will stop postpartum discharge. However, do not forget that such terms can be adhered to, if during childbirth there were no significant traumas of the genital organs of the parturient woman and they passed naturally.

When sex is possible after childbirth, if there are large gaps or a perineal incision is made, - the doctors explain that after 2 months. This is due to the fact that a woman needs time not only to restore her sexual organs, but also for the crotch, which was imposed a large number of seams, completely healed.

How long it is impossible to have sex after childbirth, which resulted in a cesarean section, is a question that has a well-founded answer - 8 weeks.

In addition to vaginal discharge, you need to wait for the full healing of the suture. In addition, do not forget that to check the status of the last is due only to the doctor, tk. it is sometimes difficult to determine the degree of wound healing visually.

What is the danger of early sex after childbirth?

Intimacy intimacy earlier than one and a half months after delivery may be fraught with negative consequences for a woman:

  1. Infection. Due to the fact that the place where the placenta was attached is an open healing wound, sex, for example, 2 weeks after childbirth can lead to infection of the woman's uterus and, consequently, acute postpartum endometritis. And even if you are sure that your husband does not change you, this is not an excuse for neglecting the period of abstinence. After all, there are hidden infections that "sleep" in the body of a man, but getting to a person with weakened immunity, and even with an open wound, will certainly lead to inflammation.
  2. Bleeding. Sex, for example, 3 weeks after childbirth, can lead to increased blood discharge from the genital tract. This is due to the fact that an unhealed wound in the uterus will be "disturbed", which will lead to such consequences.
  3. Microcracks and seam ruptures. Doctors say that this can serve as proximity, in which women could not stand the accepted one and a half months, and the seams did not heal to the end. As a consequence, the end of such sex, there may be a situation when a young mother will be on the operating table.


There are in the gynecological practice of the patient, which are the exception to the rules rather than the rule. In such women, uterine contraction is observed within 4 weeks after delivery, cessation of discharge and even recovery of the menstrual cycle. If you belong to these lucky ones, then visit a gynecologist will help determine how long it is impossible to have sex after childbirth. In addition, do not forget about the presence of stitches, if any, because they can heal much longer, and some women are ready to begin sexual activity only after 3 months, and sometimes more.

So, how many days after birth you can not have sex - it's 6-8 weeks. However, it must be understood that every single woman and the generational process she has transferred is an individual case, therefore the time frame may vary. All women in labor should remember that only a doctor, after examining a woman on a gynecological chair, will be able to say whether her body is ready for sex or not.