Macrognathus - content

Aquarium fish macrognathus, or aquarium eel, differs from others by an unusual elongated body structure and non-standard breeding. Among its existing species, macronutus eyeball is most common. Fish tend to be painted in beige, brown, golden shades. The decoration of this species are spectacular specks, yellowish points and stripes. A cunning expression of the eyes gives an occasion to compare the head of a fish with a fox's face.

The contents of fish in the fish tank macrognatus

For the maintenance of fish, an aquarium of at least 100 liters is required. Macrotnatus are very active, but they show their activity at night. The health of this fish, like others, depends on the purity of water, its aeration and filtration. It is desirable to maintain the water temperature within the range of 22-26 ° C.

In the afternoon it is unlikely that you will see your pet, except that its head protruding from the ground. For this reason, the aquarium should not put sharp pebbles, which the fish can get injured. Macrognathus needs a quality soil to bury itself from the excess of mucus that covers its body. This is a kind of prevention of skin diseases. For the ground, it is better to purchase pebbles of medium and shallow fractions, since pure river sand, when burrowing fish into it, creates a cloud in the pond, although this does not contradict its usual way of life.

Adding salt to the aquarium (3 tablespoons per 100 liters of water) brings the conditions of keeping fish to natural ones, provided that their neighbors normally belong to other species.

If you are faced with a choice than to feed fish, buy live food, since macrognatus prefers it. Among the variety of larvae, crustaceans and invertebrates, the tuber is a favorite dish.

Peace-loving macrognatus ocellate has good compatibility with fish, leading a similar lifestyle, for example, catfish. Smaller sized individuals can sometimes be perceived as food.

Another important detail of the content of the fish macroignathus is a reliable shelter of the aquarium, since any slit can become a way to leave your home.