Treatment of colds during pregnancy

In pregnancy, the woman's immunity is in an oppressed state, and there are fewer viruses and pathogens, and therefore pregnant women are very frequent patients of ENT doctors and therapists.

Preventive maintenance of cold at pregnant women

But before treating a cold in pregnant women, it is worth remembering about its prevention. It is not necessary for a woman with weakened immunity to visit places of congestion of the people, where the risk of infection is much higher. Frequent airing of the room and wet cleaning also reduce the number of pathogens in the air. Full nutrition with enough vitamins significantly strengthens the body.

Do not abuse soda, especially cold: it is clear that with toxicosis pregnant often sick, and carbonated mineral water slightly facilitates the state. But carbon dioxide in the mineral water in large doses can cause superficial burns of the mucous membrane, which facilitates penetration into damaged areas of microorganisms, causing acute inflammation and exacerbation of chronic diseases of the ENT organs. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to drink water without gas. Very often, allergic rhinitis (rhinitis) of pregnant women can be confused with a cold, and therefore, for any colds, a consultation with a therapist or an ENT specialist is prescribed.

Treatment of colds in pregnant women

Treatment of a common cold in pregnancy has its own difficulties. Pregnant women are contraindicated in antibiotics , especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. They can not hormone drugs, many anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. And the threat to the future child and the course of pregnancy with colds is quite real, especially in case of severe disease and without proper treatment.

You can always pick up simple means in a home pharmacy and in the kitchen, than you can treat a cold during pregnancy. Measures to combat colds should be directed to:

  1. Removal of intoxication (abundant warm drink, preferably with alkaline reaction, freshly squeezed juices, raspberry tea - it has an action similar to aspirin and lowers body temperature.
  2. Removal of the virus or microorganism from the body of the patient. This treatment of the gate of infection with antiseptic solutions (for example, with pharyngitis, tonsillitis - rinsing with antiseptics, not swallowing.It can also use a simple home antiseptic: 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 100 ml of warm water (weak acid solution kills microorganisms) .You can use for rinsing and sea salt, and folk remedies for colds during pregnancy: decoctions of medicinal herbs with antiseptic effect - calendula, chamomiles .To rinse with soda solution it is impossible - it causes deep damage to the mucosa and can to cause complications, although it also has bactericidal properties, even rinsing your throat or nose with clean, boiled water mechanically removes microbes and helps treat colds during pregnancy.
  3. The use of funds that locally kill viruses and microorganisms. In addition to these antiseptics, local antibacterial action is UV-irradiation, so pregnant women are often prescribed this course of physiotherapy. This is one of the few methods of physical therapy permitted for pregnant women, one of the ways how to cure a common cold is completely. For the treatment of local lor infection, soluble antiseptics are also prescribed in tablets, which have a local bactericidal effect and relieve the symptoms of inflammation, and getting into the stomach, decompose under the influence of gastric juice and not absorbed in the mother's body.
  4. Relieving the symptoms of the common cold. For example, to remove cough use inhalation decoctions of medicinal herbs with the addition of vegetable oils. With a cold, topically, aloe vera is injected (in the absence of allergic reactions), but vasoconstrictor drops are not recommended.

It is worth remembering, treatment for colds during pregnancy with moderate and severe forms of infection is carried out permanently, under the supervision of a doctor.