Stem Cells - Whatever You Want to Know About Cord Blood

The term "stem cells" in medicine refers to immature, non-differentiated cellular structures. They have the ability to self-renewal, division through mitosis and transformation into cells of other organs and tissues, completely restore them.

Why keep umbilical cord blood?

Hearing about the methods of treatment with stem cells, patients are often interested in what the umbilical cord blood is for and why only it. The value of this biological material lies in the fact that in its composition it contains active stem cells, which are excellent for treatment. These blood cells are used in transplantology and for the treatment of diseases such as:

Treatment of joints with stem cells

Treatment of arthrosis with stem cells helps not only to get rid of the main symptoms of the disease, but also restores bone tissue. Stem cells are also shown to be effective in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. With such violations, the immune system constantly attacks the joints, destroying the cartilaginous tissue. The medicines used only for a while slow down the inflammatory processes, reduce the intensity of pain.

The uniqueness of the use of stem cells in the treatment of joint diseases is:

Treatment with stem cells of diabetes

Diabetes mellitus refers to diseases with a metabolic disorder. Treatment with stem cells significantly improves the picture of what is happening. In this case, the cellular structures synthesized by the patient's body are used. They are fighting the root cause of diabetes by reducing hyperglycemia. As shown by clinical trials, the method is effective in the fight against hypoglycemia - reduces the incidence of hypoglycemic coma , shock.

The very course of stem cell therapy involves their introduction into the body through the pancreatic artery with the help of a catheter. Preliminarily harvest the stem material from the patient's iliac crest with a thin needle under local anesthesia. The procedure lasts 30 minutes. The collected cells are sent to the laboratory, where the quality of the cells is determined, their testing and counting. Only after this, stem cells are ready for introduction into the body. Place of administration is chosen individually (intravenously, leg muscles, pancreatic artery).

Stem Cell Treatment for Stroke

Stroke refers to diseases accompanied by impaired cerebral circulation. Affected areas pathology does not receive enough oxygen, which leads to irreversible consequences in the absence of proper therapy. The goal of the therapy is a complete restoration of the damaged areas of the brain tissue. The first positive results can be noticed after 3 months after the introduction of stem cells.

For carrying out manipulation, it is possible to use both stem cells from cord blood, and those that are taken from the iliac bone of the patient himself. Preliminary it is required to conduct local anesthesia. The collected bone marrow sample is sent to the laboratory, where it undergoes careful processing - the isolation of stem cells. In this case, the samples do not come in contact with air to avoid infection.

The introduction of the resultant multiple manipulations of the material is accomplished by lumbar puncture . Cell structures are injected directly into the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord. Preliminary local anesthesia injection zone. The procedure takes 30 minutes. For 3-4 hours the patient is under the supervision of doctors, and then goes home.

Treatment with cancer stem cells

Umbilical cord blood has perfectly proved itself in the treatment of oncological diseases. Contained in her stem young cells are actively taken for the restoration of lost parts of organs by rapid division and differentiation. The result does not have a one-stage nature - the therapeutic effect can be manifested after 1-2 months. In parallel, the main course of therapy aimed at preventing the spread of the tumor focus is conducted.

Treatment with stem cells atrophy of the optic nerve

The use of stem cells in ophthalmology involves the restoration of not only the sites of the damaged retina of the eye, but also the restoration of the functioning of the optic nerve. The implanted cells quickly go to the damage area, are soldered to the tissue, differentiate and transform into healthy cell structures of the required type. The procedure for the introduction of stem cells is carried out directly into the eye. Such manipulation can be used for other pathologies of the vision system:

Stem Cell Rejuvenation

Initially, stem cell transplantation was performed solely for the purpose of rejuvenation. This method was called revitalization (from Latin - a return to life) and involves the restoration of the beginning damage in organs and tissues due to age-related changes. The main theory of triggering the aging mechanism of an organism today is considered to be a decrease in the pool of stem cells with a simultaneous decrease in their potential.

Studies show that aging processes in the body are launched as early as 30 years. In this case, the woman's body, according to American scientists, remains absolutely healthy maximum to 44 years, and men - up to 40. Transplantation of stem cells significantly reduces the rate of destructive processes in the body. The number of procedures and the volume of the inserted cellular material are selected individually. For improvement, autologous cells, that is, the patient's own cells, are best suited.

Collection and storage of umbilical cord blood

Each woman in labor can preliminarily conclude a contract with the clinic for the collection and subsequent storage of blood from the umbilical cord. Preservation of cord blood is carried out in the conditions of special banks - medical institutions that provide specialized services. The length of the storage period is set by the patient himself, so this service is paid and completely depends on the client's wishes.

Cord blood sampling

To select blood stem cells, the material is taken immediately after the infant appears on the light. This is the only way to get them. After the birth of the baby, the midwife crosses the umbilical cord, after which a needle is inserted into one of her veins and the blood is collected into a special sterile bag. The procedure lasts no more than 3 minutes and is absolutely painless for the baby and his mother.

The fence does not require anesthesia and is performed without physical contact with the baby. The procedure is absolutely safe. At the same time, cord blood sampling can be performed both with natural childbirth and with those that are performed by cesarean section. An obligatory condition is the preliminary expression of the mother's desire in writing.

Cord blood storage

The freezing of umbilical blood allows storing biomaterial for a long time. The laboratory receives a sterile sealed package after sampling, which contains the blood itself and a component that prevents its coagulation. Under sterile conditions, laboratory assistants extract the stem cell concentrate by centrifugation. The remainder - plasma - is subjected to numerous studies on infections and viruses before being sent to the cord blood bank. The sample is examined for:

A cryoprotectant is added to the sample to be examined - a substance that prevents the destruction of cells under the influence of low temperature. Each sample is assigned a unique number, after which it is placed in the bank. Storage is carried out in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196 degrees. This is the bank of stem cells. Specializing in the storage of umbilical cord blood, institutions have experience in preserving the material for 20 years.

Banks of stem cells

The stem cell bank of the umbilical cord blood in the CIS countries exists practically in every major city. The storage conditions in an individual institution may vary, so you must first contact for further information. A contract is concluded with the patient, which sets out the cost of providing services, the duration of storage. Similar services are provided:

1. In the Republic of Belarus:

2. In Russia:

3. In Ukraine:

How much does it cost to store stem cells from the umbilical cord?

Wishing to save valuable cells for the possibility of further treatment, the patient is often interested in how much the storage of umbilical cord blood costs. Prices are constantly changing, at the moment they are set at the following level:

  1. In the Russian Federation: a fence - 500-700 $, storage - 150-200 $ for 1 year.
  2. In Ukraine: a fence - 450-600 $, storage - 100-200 $ per year.
  3. In Belarus: the stem cell harvest is 500-600 $, the storage is 100-150 $ per year.

Stem Cells - Pros and Cons

Every year, people who want to deposit biomaterials are getting bigger. However, there is no unequivocal opinion on the usefulness of such structures. Human stem cells are indeed capable of repairing damaged tissues and organs. However, a neglected regeneration process can lead to a strong growth, which increases the risk of tumor formation. Given this feature, among the positive factors of the use of stem cells:

Negative factors in the use of stem cells are: