Blood clots after childbirth

Each woman after birth has a blood discharge - lochia , which completely disappear after about a month. Lochias are scarlet and in the first few days after birth are quite abundant. Gradually the amount of secretions decreases, and during the healing of internal wounds and ruptures, bleeding stops.

But in some cases, instead of such secretions after childbirth, blood clots may appear. This phenomenon indicates a violation of the process of restoration of the uterus. At each woman the organism reacts to the transferred shock (childbirth) in different ways. And in some of them, the uterus is bent, as a result of which, after birth, blood clots appear instead of lochias.

What if there are clots after the birth in the uterus?

For the normal functioning of the internal sexual organs, women after the delivery of excreta should go out on their own. Therefore, if for some reason the blood ceases to go away and after the birth in the uterus are clots, you should consult a doctor. Do not delay the visit to a specialist, because blood clots in the uterine cavity are an excellent medium for the development of infection.

If you do not get rid of clots in time, it can lead to:

Usually, in cases of blood stagnation, the doctor sends the patient to the ultrasound to make sure that after the birth, clots do not exit the uterus. After confirmation of the diagnosis, a cleaning is performed, with the help of which all the stagnant blood is removed. After such a procedure, blood clots cease to form anew, and the discharge after delivery becomes what they should be.