How many kg does it take right after delivery?

Pregnancy is coming to an end, and perhaps the baby has already been born. Therefore, any woman, in one way or another cares about the question, how much does the kg immediately after childbirth. As soon as the time will come to stand on the scales, the young mother will not miss the opportunity to know her weight. Let's find out what result awaits it.

Where do the kilograms go?

In order to find out how much a kilogram goes right after giving birth, you need to know the weight of everything that a female womb loses during the birth of a child:

Children weigh differently (from 2 to 5 kg), and someone is born small, and someone is a hero. Accordingly, how many kg leaves after childbirth, will depend largely on the weight of the baby.

The water in normal pregnancy is in the amount of one liter, but if there is water hydration, or vice versa, the amount of water can fluctuate in one direction or another.

The placenta, which separates after the baby's birth, weighs about 700 grams, plus blood loss in uncomplicated births is about half a liter. If there was bleeding in the delivery, which does not require blood transfusions, this will affect the overall plumb.

In total, the total lost kilograms should be at least five, or even more. Some of the women in labor find a weight of 6 or more kg. This can be the case if the pregnant woman had swelling - obvious or hidden and then about 2-3 liters of liquid leave. Mommy twins will lose even more kilograms, because water, and children she has twice as much as with normal births.

So, picking up an outfit for an extract from the maternity ward, who collected about 10 kg, can count on "pre-pregnancy" clothes, because she will leave at the hospital at least 5 kg.

But women who gained very large weight (from 20 or more) should prepare for discharge the dress that they wore during pregnancy, as the loss of 5-7 kg will not significantly affect the overall weight of the mother in childbirth.