Childbirth at home

Every woman carefully prepares for childbirth: she chooses a maternity home, a doctor, collects all the necessary things for herself and the baby. Many future mothers, especially those who give birth for the first time, afraid to miss the onset of the birth process, go to the hospital in advance. And, to tell you the truth, often this forethought is far from superfluous. There are many cases when birth began at home, and the woman just did not have time to get to the hospital or wait for medical help. Stories about how a pregnant woman gave birth in a taxi, a train, in an elevator, after all, just at home, is not uncommon. The reasons for which such situations develop, there may be a mass:

In literature, and in the preparatory courses, they calm, especially the first-born women, that the moment of the onset of labor can not be missed and in any case it is possible to have time, because normally the period from the beginning of labor until the birth of the baby during the first pregnancy lasts about 12 hours. The question itself begs: where do the cases when the birth take place at home come from?

There are a lot of such examples when the first pregnancy ends with only six-eight-hour births. This time is from the very beginning of the contractions until the birth of the child. And, if you do not go to the maternity hospital for 15 minutes (and that it is "it" sometimes it is sometimes not clear), the circumstances can develop so that the delivery will have to take at home with her husband.

What if the birth began at home?

If the birth began at home, and you know exactly what to get to the nearest maternity hospital, you should not have to act: you need to calm down and try to concentrate on how to take delivery at home without medical assistance.

As the cervix opens, contractions become stronger and more intense. The main thing is not to panic, try to find a more suitable position to alleviate the pain. Do not forget about the right breathing, remember that your baby suffers with you. We need to take maximum care of its safety. Proper breathing will help the baby to cope with oxygen starvation. With full disclosure, attempts begin. Here then you need help from your relatives.

The algorithm of action, if the birth began at home, is as follows:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and disinfect with alcohol.
  2. Keep the thread nearby to bandage the umbilical cord.
  3. If the fetus was in the head preposition , then the first thing you'll see is the baby's neck.
  4. Next, the face appears, the head turns to the mother's thigh, followed by the first shoulder, then the second. The main thing at this moment is to hold the crumb slightly, in no case to pull. After the hangers come out, the body is born easily.
  5. Wrap the baby in a sterile diaper. Clean your nose and mouth of mucus. If the child is fine, he should cry.
  6. The umbilical cord should be bandaged 10-15 cm from the navel of the child, it is not necessary to cut it off, doctors can do this later.
  7. In normal childbirth, a child's place should be out in a maximum of half an hour. You can not pull the umbilical cord to speed up the process, the placenta must go out by itself.
  8. If the mother and baby are all right, put the baby to the chest. Childbirth at home is not an excuse to refuse the first delicacy of colostrum.
  9. After birth, the mother and child in any case require a medical examination.

Such is the brief instruction how to take delivery of the house in an ideal variant of the course of the generic process. In this case, everything you need for home births is a first aid kit with the contents of a sterile diaper, bandages, alcohol, iodine and threads. And also the presence of someone close to give first aid to the mother and baby.

Unfortunately, according to statistics, births rarely occur without various nuances that a person who has not been specially trained can not cope with. Therefore, cases of unsuccessful home births are not uncommon. It is safer to give birth in the maternity hospital, where there are qualified personnel and equipment, for various emergency situations.