Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression in women is not a rare phenomenon. Its causes may be stress or fatigue after childbirth, frequent lack of sleep due to the appearance of the baby, lack of free time, conflicts in the family or changing the figure. But conditionally there are two main causes of postpartum depression:

The first reason is physiological. Physiological changes that occur in the body of a woman after birth, affect the production of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. During pregnancy, these hormones were produced in sufficient quantities to help the expectant mother cope with stress and various troubles, but after childbirth, the amount of these hormones decreased significantly. The deficiency of estrogen and progesterone has a strong effect on the nervous system and affects the mental and emotional state of a woman.

The second reason is psychological. Most often, postpartum depression leads to psychological stress in young mothers who gave birth for the first time. Constant thoughts that arise in women, that she does not cope with her duties, mistakes, does not understand the child, does not have time to fulfill all the previous worries and much more, physical fatigue and a new way of life, all this may be the second cause of postpartum depression .

If you find yourself experiencing symptoms of postpartum depression, immediate measures should be taken. After all, the very state of depression is unpleasant, especially since a mother's depression can negatively affect a small child. Irritated mother is very difficult to fully take care of the baby, because she is only physically near the child. Emotionally, the woman experiences different feelings, for example, discontent with the fact that the child takes too much time, which is left not only by domestic cares, but also by one's own rest. Such a state of the mother can cause such feelings in the child, because he feels what his mother is experiencing.

From a misunderstanding of the wife, the husband can also become depressed, and then the family will become completely incomprehensible and mutually irritable, everyone will look for the culprit in each other. The husband will be dissatisfied with the fact that household chores stand dead weight, and the wife will blame her husband for not helping her. Not the most favorable environment for the education of a small child.

Here the very place of mutual matrimonial support. Many people have heard about postpartum depression, but not everyone agrees to admit that the cause of all family quarrels between young parents is exactly it - depression after childbirth! Therefore, when the first signs of postpartum depression appear, immediately declare war on her.

Treatment of postpartum depression

How to get rid of postpartum depression and how to deal with it? To treat postpartum depression in women can be various ways, the main rule is the realization that all the difficulties that have arisen at this stage of your life are temporary. How to cope with postpartum depression, it is easy to learn by determining the true causes of its occurrence.

Postpartum depression begins to develop about a month after childbirth. But there are cases when depression before childbirth can develop into postpartum depression. In this case, you can contact a family psychologist. The specialist will help determine the exact cause of your depression, and help you understand yourself.

The length of postpartum depression depends on how long you will be in the current situation. If you immediately take measures to restore well-being in the family, then there will be no trace of depression. It should be remembered that prolonged stay in postpartum depression can lead to postpartum psychosis. Postpartum psychosis is a complication of postpartum depression, and can lead to very unpleasant consequences: manic manifestations, auditory hallucinations, personality changes, abnormal thinking, lack of adequate self-esteem, appetite disorders, etc.

In order to overcome postpartum depression alone, it is necessary to follow certain rules:

Share your emotions and feelings with your husband, share your housework and rest. Physical activity and physical activity contribute to the development of endorphin hormones that promote mood enhancement, be more active, and soon the body will get used to a new way of life. Your life will be filled with joy and prosperity, if you are always in a good mood and in good physical shape.

And, of course, do not forget that you are now MOTHER! Mother of the most beautiful child in the world is YOUR!