What is sperm, and how can you use seminal fluid for the beauty and health of a woman?

The development of high technologies and the Internet made it possible to find any necessary information in just a few minutes. This opportunity is often used by adolescents, by entering into the search questions that they hesitate to ask adults. With the onset of puberty, many girls are interested in what sperm is.

Composition of seminal fluid

Sperm (ejaculate, seminal fluid) is a secret produced by the male sex glands. This liquid contains a large number of germ cells, spermatozoa, the main purpose of which is the fertilization of the egg. The liquid itself is light gray, turbid. Isolation of it occurs at the time of orgasm, with ejaculation. For the first time, the presence of cells with flagella in the seed was discovered by Anthony van Leeuwenhoek in 1677.

The seed of a healthy man contains about 80 million spermatozoa. However, the sex cells make up no more than 3% of the total volume of the ejaculate. The remaining volume is accounted for by the secretion of the prostate and the fluid released from the seminal vesicles. It is worth noting that in the first portion of the ejaculate contains more sex cells than in subsequent portions.

Useful substances in sperm

At more detailed, microscopic and chemical research of a seminal liquid, scientists have established, that the semen of the man contains a number of substances and microcells. All of them are useful in their own way. To understand if sperm is useful for women, it is necessary to look at its chemical composition:

How to check sperm?

Analysis of seminal fluid, in which its qualitative and quantitative evaluation is carried out, is called a spermogram . It is carried out in all major medical centers, sperm banks. This procedure is mandatory in the framework of the IVF program. During the analysis, doctors pay attention to the following parameters of the ejaculate:

How much sperm do you need to get pregnant?

Having learned what sperm is and what its purpose is, the question arises as to its volume, which is necessary for fertilization. Doctors never specify how much sperm is needed for conception. In practice, in planning pregnancy, more important is not the volume of seminal fluid, but its quality (the concentration of spermatozoa, their mobility, activity). These parameters are important for fertilization. At the same time, there is no minimum volume of seminal fluid necessary for conception. In the absence of diseases for successful fertilization, a few drops are necessary.

Why is sperm useful for women?

Particularly curious women who do not feel embarrassment, think about the usefulness of sperm for the female body and how it can be used, except for direct purposes. Based on the composition of the seminal fluid, the following useful substances can be distinguished:

  1. Carbohydrates - in the ejaculate contains glucose, which is a source of energy for spermatozoa.
  2. Nitrogen-containing substances - compounds from seminal vesicles, decaying, turn into amino acids, vitamins.
  3. Fats - phospholipids, prostaglandins, cholesterol promotes smooth muscle stimulation.
  4. Hormones are active antidepressants.

Is sperm useful for the vagina?

Considering the useful properties of sperm, it is necessary to note a positive effect on the female vagina. Scientists have proved that under unprotected sexual acts, women who penetrate into the reproductive system get substances with biological activity that positively influence the vagina and the reproductive system as a whole:

Is it useful to swallow sperm?

The question of whether sperm is useful if swallowed does not have an unambiguous answer. If we proceed from the composition of the seminal fluid, then it can bring benefits to the body, so it can be argued that it is useful to swallow sperm. However, it is worthwhile to understand that the amount of ejaculate released during ejaculation is small, so it can not exert significant influence on the body. You can speak about the benefits only with the regular use of seminal fluid, but this option is also controversial.

Is sperm useful for the skin?

Talking about how useful male sperm for the female body, you need to highlight its positive effect on the skin. Even in Ancient Rome, representatives of the nobility clearly represented what sperm is and how to use its medicinal properties. Often they kept among their slaves men with polyspermy - increased production of seminal fluid. This sperm was used to care for the skin. Today, many pharmaceutical companies, cosmetology firms add to their creams the animal sperm.

Asking about whether the sperm is useful for the face, women find the answer in the instructions to the various creams. Masks that contain in the sperm of animals, help to cope with staphylodermia, streptodermia . Enzymes together with creatine accelerate the processes of cell division, renewing and rejuvenating the skin. Hyaluronidase increases skin permeability for other components of the cream.

What determines the taste of seminal fluid?

The taste of seminal fluid is due to its composition, which can vary. Doctors say that this parameter is due to the peculiarity of the diet, the preferences of men in food. Eaten on the eve of the products can change the organoleptic parameters of the seminal fluid. For example, nicotine, alcohol can make a male ejaculate bitter taste.

Salty taste of sperm gives meat dishes (pork, beef). Caffeine gives the ejaculate some bitterness. By analogy with the above, products containing a lot of sulfur (cabbage), give the sperm an acidic taste. Dairy products, eaten the day before, give the sperm a salty taste. Men who consume a lot of garlic, onions have a strong, pronounced taste of sperm.

How to increase the amount of semen in men?

For the first time, what is male sperm, the guys learn after puberty. The volume of the formed ejaculate reaches a maximum to mature age (in the interval of 30-40 years). With the extinction of the reproductive function in men, the volume of ejaculate formed in the sexual glands also decreases. On average, for one ejaculation in a healthy man is allocated 3 g of seminal fluid. The indicator can fluctuate within 2-5 g. It is established that every day of abstinence increases the amount of sperm by 0.3 g.

Men, observing certain rules, can increase the amount of formed ejaculate. Talking about how to increase the amount of semen fluid, doctors indicate the need for inclusion in the diet of the following substances: