A parrot has a growth on its beak

In addition to various injuries or infections, birds can also pursue other misfortunes. Many believe that warts and papillomas can only attach to humans, but they also occur in birds. Therefore, if your parrot around the beak suddenly grows some growths, you will need to consider many possible options.

What can build a growth on the nose of a parrot?

Let's list several possible causes of this phenomenon:

  1. Hormonal disorders due to improper conditions of detention.
  2. Parasites.
  3. Herpes and other viral diseases.
  4. A parrot has a wart or a papilloma.

In the first case, when the disease is provoked by malnutrition, diet correction should be made immediately, it may be necessary to replace feed , try to add nutritional supplements and vitamins to immunity. If the growths in the parrot are caused by scabies, then you should disinfect the cage, try to get rid of the tick using special medications (medicine alone, birch tar, other medicinal solutions).

Papillomas in parrots

If the bird is immunocompromised, then it can easily catch an infectious disease from a sick relative. Papillomas often appear in those parrots who contract herpes. Often they grow into a serious swelling and lead to the death of a feathered pet. Therefore, if they are found, you need to immediately treat your ward.

At first the papillomas look like small warts or outgrowths. They are similar in appearance to those that cause ticks. Depending on the type of formation can be, as elastic, and soft. Touching the build-up of pain in the bird does not cause. A benign growth on the beak of a wavy parrot is not dangerous. But if you notice that his health has worsened, the appetite is gone, then it is necessary to take the pet to the ornithologist. The following folk methods help the papillomas: freshly squeezed celandine juice, a decoction of potato peelings or garlic juice. The resulting liquid is smeared with a parrot on the beak on the beak until it falls off.