Diseases transmitted from pets

Pets are like family members for us, we allow them to live without hindrance, sleep in our beds, play with children and so on. Few people think that a cute puppy or kitten can cause a serious illness, but exactly as long as they do not face it. Unfortunately this is so, often our lovely fluffy pets can serve as a source of infection. But this does not mean that they should be urgently expelled from their homes and abandoned for ever the idea of ​​making a little animal in the house. It is enough only to know what dangers pet owners can face, and also take the necessary measures to prevent them.

We bring to your attention the rating of the most common diseases among pets that can be dangerous for health and even human life. Children are most susceptible to them, since their immunity is still imperfect, and the probability of uncontrolled contact with animals is higher.

Top 6 diseases transmitted from pets

  1. Toxoplasmosis . The causative agent of this disease are parasites that can enter the body of cats through eaten by infected birds and rodents. In adult healthy animals, the disease can be asymptomatic or, in extreme cases, with vomiting and upset stomach. If you notice signs, you should show the animal to the vet and donate blood to identify the parasites. A person can become infected by removing the cat's tray. Children have a higher probability of "catching" the disease, because they often play in sandboxes, which cats like to use as toilets. Symptoms of the disease are similar to those of influenza: body aches, fever, lymph nodes. In adults, it can easily pass without specific treatment. Especially dangerous toxoplasmosis for pregnant women, or rather, their future children, as fraught with developmental malformations. The best prevention of toxoplasmosis in domestic cats is not to let them out into the street. People should also observe extreme caution and hygiene measures when cleaning trays with excrement.
  2. Visceral syndrome - round worms. This disease is often affected by children in whose organism the toxaire gets through dust or contaminated objects in which particles of infected excrement of cats or dogs are present. Symptoms of infection are similar to allergic reactions, and in severe cases demonstrate strong intoxication of the body. At occurrence of alarming symptoms at the child it is necessary to hand over the developed analysis of a blood and if necessary to address for treatment. In animals, visceral syndrome, as a rule, ends with self-healing without outside interference.
  3. Salmonellosis . The disease is similar to foodborne infections. The source of infection can be turtles, since salmonella, which is dangerous to humans, is only a part of their microflora. Infection can occur if the child or adult "pulled" unwashed hands into the mouth after contact with the turtle or the water in which it lives.
  4. Psittacosis or ornithosis . The source of the disease is exotic birds, but sometimes pathogens are found in the litter of ordinary pigeons. At home, the child in order to become infected, it is enough to breathe in pairs of feces of birds, which contain pathogens. Symptoms of the disease are similar to pneumonia, so you should definitely notify the doctor about contact with birds.
  5. Rabies is a deadly disease that affects the nervous system. After biting a person with a dog, one should observe for an animal for 40 days, if possible. If the dog is alive after a specified period of time, then it does not have rabies and, accordingly, it is not necessary to make a person vaccinated. If the animal is stray and unknown, the vaccine should be administered with a prophylactic goal, but it should be pointed, as it often causes severe allergic reactions.
  6. Ringworm is a fungal disease of the skin that is transmitted through a simple tactile contact with an infected animal. In humans, it appears as red itchy spots, in animals - loss of hair. Treatment consists in taking special antifungal drugs.