Breed of dogs Akita Inu

The breed of Akita Inu is a very ancient breed. The history of the Akita Inu began as early as 2 BC. This is evidenced by archaeological excavations. In addition to the remains of animals similar to Spitz found by archaeologists, drawings with images of dogs similar to modern Akita were also found. The breed experienced different times - it was worshiped, it was ruthlessly crossed. But now the breed is very valued and improved.

Description of the Akita Inu

Akita Inu is a large spitz-shaped dog, the motherland of which is Japan. "Gold of Japan" is what the Japanese themselves call this breed. Males reach a weight of 35-40 kg and grow to 70 cm withers. Bitches are slightly smaller - their weight usually does not exceed 35 kg.

There are three main colors:

They are very intelligent, kind, brave, cheerful, energetic dogs. During training, however, it is necessary to apply patience and endurance. Akita tries to show her leadership and fighting qualities in the canine environment. This breed is advised to be started by experienced dog breeders, since the dog is quite stubborn, persistent and at times can be difficult to control.

Extremely affectionate, caring and affectionate akita inu in relation to children, but, until the latter does not offend them. The dog is wary of strangers. If she dislikes someone, most likely, forever. It is worth considering this when first meeting with the puppy.

Characteristics of Akita Inu

Strong, strong, well-built dog. An interesting feature of dogs of this breed is the membrane between the fingers - this makes her an excellent swimmer. The coat is short, stiff, with a soft undercoat. It perfectly repels water.

In 1932, the dog of the Akita Inu breed, known as Khatiko, became widely known. Hachiko came to the railway station every day to meet his master from work. After the death of the owner, the dog went to the station for another 9 years and waited. A monument to the dog was erected at this station, as a symbol of love and loyalty.

Maintenance and care of Akita Inu

The animal perfectly feels and in a city apartment, and in a spacious open-air cage. But if the dog lives in a small area, it is necessary to provide it with good physical exertion, that is, often and for a long time to walk.

Wool is enough to comb once a week, and during moulting - 2-3 times. The moulting period happens twice a year, and during these periods the host will have to suffer, since the dog is shed strongly. It is impossible to bathe this breed too often, otherwise the wool will lose its water-repellent effect.

Feed Akita Inu needs twice a day with the usual food - meat, offal, porridge and vegetables. You can add algae containing iodine to your diet. Unsuitable dry food with a high content of soy. Do not forget that these dogs come from Japan, they have long been fed rice and fish. Fish to this day remains the best dainty for Akita.

Life expectancy of Akita inu is 10-12 years. All dogs of this breed are prone to autoimmune diseases. Among frequent diseases of akita inu - bloating, hip dysplasia, blood disease, similar to human hemophilia, cataract, glaucoma and some others. But usually dogs are strong health, rarely sick, and even if there is trouble, then all of its diseases can be treated.

Since the dog came to us from Japan, the nicknames for Akita Inu are often invented in Japanese manners in honor of a city or a natural phenomenon, or features of character. You can search for names in Japanese mythology. Many of the same dog names are born at the first meeting with a four-legged friend.