Mold under the wallpaper - how to get rid of a harmful and dangerous plaque?

Ugly mold under the wallpaper not only worsens the external beauty of the room, but is a potential threat to the health of all residents of the apartment or house. It is important to know the reasons provoking the problem, in order to exclude them in the future, as well as methods of combating existing disputes.

How does the mold look like on the wallpaper?

The danger of the fungus lies in the fact that it can appear unnoticeably and spread very quickly.

  1. Initially, on the walls you can see the points of black color, the number and size of which is constantly increasing. You can find out about the appearance of mold on the wallpaper by looking into the corners and into the distant rooms of the house.
  2. There are also cases when the fungus is white, so it is more problematic to detect it. In this situation, the sense of smell will help, because in the places where the fungus appeared, an unpleasant smell is felt.
  3. There are also cases when the mold under the wallpaper is carefully hidden, for example, behind the furniture. It is necessary to guard against the situation when relatives often get sick without obvious reasons.

Mold on the wallpaper - reasons

It is important to understand that it is impossible to say goodbye to the fungus forever if you do not determine the cause that provokes it. The main causes of black mold on wallpaper: dampness and inadequate ventilation, and the following factors distinguish the derivatives:

  1. Common metal-plastic windows have a design that does not allow any fresh air flow, so it is important to regularly ventilate the room or use a special system of forced ventilation. In addition, such windows often sweat, and this is additional humidity.
  2. Mold under the wallpaper is often found in the apartments on the first floor, and all because of the excessive humidity of the basement. The problem also concerns the last floor, where humidity rises due to roof leaks.
  3. Fungus is a frequent visitor in the bathrooms , where the humidity is constantly increased.
  4. Improperly executed waterproofing. This problem manifests itself more often with the onset of cold weather, when the heating is not yet turned on.
  5. A large number of home colors that require frequent watering, and this increases the humidity in the room.

Mold under the wallpaper after the bay

If the neighbors are flooded from above or the pipe breakthrough occurred at home, then you need to prepare not only to replace furniture and repair, but also to fight with the fungus. In such a situation, the information on whether the mold under the wallpaper, how quickly to get rid of it, is relevant and very useful. Walls are absorbed by moisture, and it will evaporate not one day, so the risk of fungal infection is very large.

Mold under the wallpaper after repair

For many, the unexpected appearance of the fungus almost immediately after the repair work. The main cause of mold under the wallpaper after repair is the residual moisture, which in any case occurs when the walls are finished. To avoid the problem, it is recommended to finish the repair work before the fall or to wallpaper, after switching on the central heating.

Is mold dangerous under the wallpaper?

It is important to realize that the mold is toxic, and its spores can easily penetrate the human body and provoke the development of serious diseases there. Before you understand what to do, if the mold is on the wallpaper, consider its danger to man:

  1. Prolonged contact adversely affects the overall well-being, so, there is a headache and fatigue increases.
  2. Mold releases aflatoxin, a poison that accumulates in the liver and can even cause cancer.
  3. Fungus negatively affects the immune system of all residents and the greatest danger it causes for women in the situation and young children.
  4. Mold - a strong allergen and its spores can cause the development of various diseases of the respiratory system, for example, asthma or bronchitis.

How to remove the mold under the wallpaper?

Cope with the fungus can and with the help of folk remedies that are affordable and effective. If mold formed under the wallpaper, then pay attention to such recipes:

  1. Soda. You need to make a solution, taking 1 tbsp. warm water 1 teaspoon baking soda. Using a soft sponge, remove the plaque. To wash off with water you do not need anything.
  2. Table vinegar. Pour the liquid into a bottle with a sprayer and treat the infected areas. After an hour, wipe the surface with water and ventilate the room.
  3. Peroxide from the mold on the wallpaper. The product is sprayed or they just need to rub the surfaces. Just keep in mind that peroxide has a whitening effect that is not suitable for dark walls.

Means against mold on wallpaper

In building shops, you can find different means that are designed to remove the fungus. It is not necessary to save on their purchase, since this will determine its effectiveness. If you are interested in how to get rid of mold on wallpaper, then pay attention to such drugs:

  1. "Olympus stop mold". The solution is colorless and it is safe for animals and humans. Suitable for processing walls from different building materials. According to the reviews, this liquid is of high quality and quickly copes with the task.
  2. "Abedis 06". This means contains chlorine, which fights well with the fungus, but it is important to be careful during the treatment.
  3. "Fongifluid of the Alps." Effective drug that perfectly fights with all kinds of fungus. It can be used both from the outside and the inside of the building.
  4. Dali. According to the reviews, this is one of the most effective drugs that can be used on any surfaces.

How to remove mold from the wallpaper, without tearing?

If the places of the defeat are insignificant and there is no possibility to carry out full-scale repair work, then the following tips will be useful, how to remove the mold from the wallpaper:

  1. Paper. First you need to dry the wallpaper thoroughly, using a hair dryer or iron. When the paper is dry, remove the mold using a brush. If the wallpaper has moved away, then necessarily clean and wall, and then glue the wallpaper in place, repeatedly drying them with a hair dryer.
  2. Non-woven, acrylic and washable. These types of wallpaper are moisture resistant, so the thermal effect is useless for them. The fungus should be removed using a spatula or brush, and then treated with special means. Some of them are described above.

Plywood wallpaper after mold

When the spread of the fungus is large, it is better to perform a complete change of the wall covering. If mold appears through the wallpaper, then use this instruction:

  1. Take out all the furniture and wipe it with a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Remove the old wallpaper, fold it into plastic bags and discard.
  3. Sweep the walls using a brush with hard metal bristles or coarse abrasive paper.
  4. It is recommended to remove the loose filler and plaster. At the end of preparation, clean the walls of the dust. If desired, they can even be washed and dried.

Than to process wallpaper from a mold?

It's time to go to the main part of the work, and it is conducted according to this scheme:

  1. To begin with, exclude the causes that provoke the mold under the wallpaper, for example, establish normal ventilation, change the waterproofing and so on. If possible, perform ultraviolet treatment.
  2. At the next stage, an antifungal agent is applied to the walls. In addition, copper sulfate, which has a fungicidal effect, is also suitable. A roller is used to evenly apply the formulation.
  3. To avoid mold under the wallpaper, after drying the walls it is recommended that you once again brush them to remove the decomposition products of microorganisms.
  4. Wash the walls well with warm water, and then apply a primer that has a germicidal property. To achieve the best result, it is recommended to perform such processing several times. It is important that each previous layer is completely dry.
  5. The processing is completed, and you can proceed to applying putty and gluing new wallpaper. It is important - after applying putty, be sure to treat the surface once again with a primer.