Why do plastic windows fog up?

Metal-plastic is a modern and very popular material used in window and door constructions. It has a number of advantages, ranging from excellent noise insulation and ending with the fact that it is a good protection against winter cold. But many people who installed metal plastic in their homes and apartments, after a while start complaining about the formation on the windows of the condensate. However, this does not happen to everyone. Let's find out why the plastic windows are misting up.

First of all, let's look at what condensate is. It is the same dew, only it arises in a cold and humid room. Its formation is influenced by such indicators as temperature and relative humidity of air, and also atmospheric pressure (for a premise it is considered to be constant). In conditions of high humidity (more than 60%) and low (less than 20 ° C) temperature on the coldest surface, which is a plastic window, moisture is collected. In addition, the appearance of water droplets on the windows are influenced by some other factors, which will be described below.

People often wonder: why did not this happen with old windows with wooden frames? The thing is that in the very structure of the tree there are numerous pores and microscopic cracks through which natural airing of the room occurs. Metal-plastic, with all its advantages, significantly changes the microclimate in any apartment, and this should be borne in mind. In order to avoid problems, regularly open the windows for ventilation.

The causes of condensation on plastic windows

  1. The simplest thing that comes to mind is factory marriage. Defects of plastic windows happen, but very rarely. This is easy to determine if you have chosen and installed all the plastic windows of one manufacturer, and one of them fogs outside. In this case, you should go to the place where you ordered the installation of windows, for warranty service.
  2. But most often the problem lies in another reason. This can be a violation of the convection process in the apartment. Convection is a natural process of circulation of air masses inside the room. In winter, when windows can fog up, this process starts with heaters . The central heating batteries are, as a rule, under the windowsill. From there, warm airflows are directed to the opposite wall, while rising up, and then cruising the entire room. However, this process can be broken as a result of cluttering the radiators with furniture, installing a working area instead of a standard window sill, remoteness of the heating source from the window, etc. In addition to permutation, this problem can be solved by making holes in the window sill.
  3. Condensation can form inside the plastic windows. Most often this is due to a too wide glazing unit. The optimum width between the inner and outer glass is 70 mm. Do not order windows wider, because they are not much better keep the heat, but can become the reason for increased moisture formation. What can you do if you have plastic windows? Try to ventilate the room more often or install a qualitative split-air conditioning system. Adjusting the humidity in this way, you can achieve its reduction, and then the windows will cease to fog.

So, we have analyzed three of the most common reasons why condensate forms on plastic windows. They can help you when you try to fix this problem yourself. If you still have not identified the problem, it is recommended to contact the specialists of the installation of metal-plastic windows for help.