Chicken soup - caloric content

Chicken soup is the most common dish on our table. All over the world he is appreciated for its lightness and satiety, for dietary qualities, for the simplicity of cooking and, of course, for his help in a variety of diseases.

Beneficial features

  1. The use of chicken soup is undeniable, it's not for nothing that doctors strongly recommend using it for fractures, people with diabetes and even those who have undergone surgery.
  2. Chicken broth is able to remove toxins, slags and free radicals from the body, which affect the development of cancer.
  3. Also this dietary dish is rich in protein, so it should be eaten with gastritis, stomach ulcer, gout and polyarthritis. And in combination with herbs and onions, chicken soup restores metabolism and stimulates the digestive system.
  4. It is able to help such a broth in inflammatory diseases, such as pneumonia, tonsillitis or bronchitis.
  5. Vitamins of group B have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases.
  6. Due to the large content of peptides, chicken soup is able to restore the normal functioning of the heart.

Caloric content of chicken soup

Chicken soup, no doubt, is considered an excellent dietary, besides a very hearty dish. He can safely be included in the diet, without fear for his figure, because the calories in the chicken soup is very small, on average, 100 grams account for 25 kcal.

However, this indicator may vary depending on the ingredients and on which part of the bird the broth is brewed from. For example, the caloric content of chicken soup cooked from the back of the bird will be much higher than the broth from the breast.

Chicken soup for weight loss

This all-time favorite soup is one of the most popular dishes used to reduce weight. To make a real dietary chicken soup for weight loss you need to use for its preparation only poultry fillets, carrots , onions and greens. Use this broth should be three to four times a day, combining with a small amount of black bread or a boiled egg.

Diet on chicken soup lasts no more than a week, and drinking throughout this time is recommended only water or green tea without sugar. Keep in mind, you need to use soup only hot and freshly prepared, and therefore, it is recommended to cook it daily
