19 things you meet at your grandmother's house

Agree that each of us, when visiting our grandmother for a visit, always finds something strange in the house. And, if you want to take a serving cup, they will always yell at you and the question immediately arises in your head: "Why is this service necessary if they will never be used?" Familiar? Then let's go.

1. Iron jar from the import of sweets, cookies, in which there are never any pechenyushek, nor any other delicious.

2. TV, which is long overdue to send to the museum.

3. A box full of buttons of different size and color. That's why there are so many of them and are they ever going to be sewn?

4. Since we are talking about services, it is a sin not to make them on this list.

Can someone, at last, answer, why not glasses, silver spoons, or a new set of cups can not be taken from there?

5. And if you do not try to explain to your beloved grandmother that it's not fashionable to cover the pillows like that for a long time, she does it in her own way.

6. And your grandmother also keeps the remains of food in plastic boxes from under mayonnaise, yogurt and other?

7. Why do I have to hang a carpet not only on the wall, but also cover them with a sofa? At least, it looks very colorful.

8. The locker, in which there is a large plastic bag, and there are a lot of the same bags in it.

9. There is no cable television, which means there are no favorite cartoons.

10. The round-the-clock broadcasts are broadcast about the correct way of life.

11. Grandmother knows what to do to make things look new longer. Correctly, pack them into cellophane.

12. Window-sills, tables covered with large thick glass. On the desktop under it are still stored all sorts of clippings from the newspaper, pieces of paper with phone numbers, receipts and so on.

13. Hand-Maid needle bed.

14. Open the cabinet and on one of the shelves you will see not only the old books, but also a pile of plates with the Beatles songs, Soviet melodies and fairy tales from childhood.

15. Zinger - where even without it? This rarity.

16. Personally, my grandmother's picture of "Perfect Hunters" hung on Perov's old TV.

Till now I do not understand, that in it beautiful and bewitching. It would be better already "Morning in the Forest" Shishkin hung.

17. And more about the dishes, which no one uses. Dear experts, the attention to the question: "What is this strange service?".

18. A lot of furniture is covered with such a knitted napkin. Of course, this has long gone out of fashion, but in grandmother's house it looks somehow cozy.

19. Grandma always always shows off her guests for a long time and is standing at the door or gate.