Kohlrabi - useful properties and contraindications

This unusual looking vegetable is a stalk. His fruit under the skin is gentle and to taste resembles cabbage or her cob. In principle, he is one of the types of cabbage. The origin of it is not known. According to some sources, this is Scandinavia, according to others Germany, on the third - Tibet. One thing is known: kohlrabi firmly took place on the table with Europeans already in the Middle Ages. They called him "cabbage turnip." About the beneficial properties and contraindications of kohlrabi is not known so much, so we decided to talk about this cabbage, as it deserves close attention to those who care about healthy nutrition and monitors their figure.

Now kohlrabi is widespread everywhere. Especially popular is the stem plant in central and northern Europe due to its unpretentiousness and rapid maturation. In western Ukraine and Poland, kohlrabi is an invariable part of borsch. Many people use salads and young leaves, which also increase the rating of the useful properties of kohlrabi cabbage.

What is useful for kohlrabi cabbage?

Caloric content of kohlrabi cabbage is 42 kcal. Therefore, this vegetable is valued as a dietary product.

As for the nutritional value, 100 grams of kohlrabi contain 3 grams of protein, 8 grams of carbohydrates, almost no fat and 85 grams of water.

Kohlrabi has many useful properties. The vegetable is very rich in vitamin C , and also contains other vitamins - A, PP, B, B2. It has a lot of iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium. In addition, the composition of a lot of carotene.

This stalk is absorbed by the body even easier than apples, and at the same time gives a sense of satiety.

Useful properties of this cabbage can not be overestimated, both from the point of view of health, and from the diet for weight loss. Kolrabi contributes to the normalization of metabolism, is an excellent diuretic and is actively used by those who wish to not only lose weight, but also constantly monitor their weight.

Healing properties

Kohlrabi is recommended by doctors for atherosclerosis, lowers arterial pressure, strengthens the nervous system. Very useful for lungs fresh kohlrabi juice, and it also helps in the treatment of the liver, kidneys and spleen.

Long ago, kohlrabi cabbage was used in folk medicine in the treatment of tuberculosis and asthma attacks. Many asthmatics and today grow this cabbage on their balcony for purely therapeutic purposes.

Kolrabi is actively used as the basis of children's dietary nutrition, actively counteracting obesity , increasing vitality and strengthening the nervous system of a growing organism. His unobtrusive taste is liked by most children and rarely causes diathesis or other allergic manifestations.

Especially important is kohlrabi with diabetes. All kinds of cabbage are good for diabetics, but kohlrabi is especially valuable, since it positively affects nerve cells, preventing the development of diabetic neuropathy.

Strangely enough, in this case, talking about the benefits and harm of kohlrabi cabbage is almost meaningless - because, in the course of time, we are faced with a product that has minimal contraindications.

Cases of individual intolerance are very rare. However, it is worth noting that people with high acidity are not recommended for abuse. In connection with the fact that kohlrabi lowers the pressure, it is contraindicated and hypotonic.