Red dots on the face

The appearance of flaws on the face skin can darken any woman, even such insignificant ones as small red dots. Such formations can be of various shapes, sizes and shades, flat or convex, sometimes cause discomfort in the form of itching or burning. Before deciding how to get rid of the red spots on the face, you need to find out the cause of their occurrence. To do this, visit a dermatologist.

The causes of the appearance of small red dots on the skin of the face

Such manifestations can occur with some acute infectious diseases:

In such cases, skin symptoms are identified, rather, not as red dots, but as a rash or pimples, while they are numerous and can affect all parts of the body. Almost always, these diseases are accompanied by an increase in temperature. Also, the cause may be an allergic reaction to food, medicine and other allergens.

When small red dots on the face are associated with one of the above factors, they disappear after the end of the disease or after the removal of the allergen. But if a small red dot on the face is not associated with the infection and does not pass a long time, then, most likely, the reason lies in the problems with the vessels of the face. Then, with such formations, one of the following diagnoses can be made.


This disease is caused by a violation of the microcirculation associated with the expansion and fragility of small vessels of sensitive skin. Visually, it manifests itself in the form of red spiderlike threads of capillaries, lines or points on the face (vascular asterisks). The most common sites of localization are the wings of the nose, cheeks, chin, rarely - forehead.


This formation is a vascular tumor, proliferation of blood vessels. There are several types of angiomas, while they can have different sizes, including looking like small red moles. The exact causes of angiomas are unknown. Usually small angiomas do not cause any inconvenience and do not pose a danger, but nevertheless there is a risk of their spontaneous growth, as well as bleeding.


Often, the appearance of flat spot spots of bright red color, which are not detected during palpation, is observed on the skin. These are petechiae, which are formed with small capillary hemorrhages. The main cause of their occurrence is a physical impact (severe compression, skin friction), and petechiae can also result from a severe cough (in which case they are usually localized near the eyes). There are also more serious factors that lead to the appearance of petechiae:

How to remove red dots on the face?

There are several ways of cosmetic removal of red dots on the face, which are selected individually depending on type and nature of education. Let us outline the main methods of treatment:

  1. Electrocoagulation is the effect of an electrical impulse that passes through a thin needle.
  2. Diathermocoagulation is the bloodless removal of the altered vessels with the help of a hair electrode (electrocoagulation option).
  3. Cryodestruction - exposure to liquid nitrogen, in which the pathological tissues are cooled to an ultralow temperature and destroyed.
  4. Ozonotherapy - the introduction of an oxygen-ozone mixture into the lumen of the vessel through a thin needle, which contributes to saturation with oxygen and elimination of deformations of the walls of the vessels.
  5. Laser therapy - the effect on the formation of a laser beam, which causes the sealing of pathological vessels (coagulation).
  6. Sclerosing therapy - injections of special solutions that cause inflammation and scarring of the vascular tumor.