Enamel hypoplasia

Enamel is the outer protective shell of the teeth. It is a hard tissue with a high content of inorganic substances, which protects the teeth from mechanical damage and chemical influences. To date, such pathology as hypoplasia of the enamel of the teeth is far from rare - underdevelopment of enamel tissue associated with the disruption of metabolic processes in the formation of teeth. As a rule, the disease is diagnosed on dairy or permanent teeth in childhood and is not only a serious aesthetic defect, but also a predisposing factor to the development of caries and other lesions.

Causes of hypoplasia of tooth enamel

The development of pathology in the embryonic period is explained by the violation of intrauterine development associated with exposure to the pregnant woman's organism of unfavorable internal and external factors. Among them are the following:

Hypoplasia of enamel of permanent teeth is caused by serious malfunctions of metabolic processes in the child's body, which develop approximately from the age of six months. The reasons for this may be such factors:

Clinical manifestations of enamel hypoplasia

Hypoplasia of enamel of permanent teeth can be systemic if the pathological process affects the protective tissues of several teeth simultaneously, or local, in which one tooth is damaged. External manifestations can be different, namely, they distinguish such forms of pathology according to clinical signs:

  1. Spotted form of hypoplasia - is observed most often and manifests itself in the form of smooth, shiny white spots on the tooth surface, having clear boundaries and located symmetrically.
  2. Erosive form of hypoplasia - the appearance on the teeth of symmetrically arranged defects of rounded form, which are areas of thinning of the enamel.
  3. Borozdchataya form of hypoplasia - is less common, while on the enamel appear grooved grooves, characterized by varying depth and width. At the bottom of these grooves the enamel is thinned or absent altogether.
  4. Mixed form - in this case there is an alternation of white spots with areas of erosion or a combination of white spots, erosions and grooves.

In some cases, enamel on the surface of the teeth may be absent completely. Such a lesion indicates gross abnormalities of the tooth tissues and is called aplasia. As a rule, aplasia accompanies other malformations.

Treatment of tooth enamel hypoplasia

With mild hypoplasia and no significant defects, no special treatment is required. It is recommended only remineralizing therapy for the prevention of caries and careful compliance with measures for oral hygiene.

In other cases, depending on the severity of the pathology, the following can be prescribed: