Hunger Strike for Weight Loss

The hunger strike for weight loss is popular both among women and men. At the same time, many forget that depriving the body of food, you make a significant imbalance in the established order of things, and ideally such things, if you can do, it is only under the supervision of a doctor.

How much can you throw off the hunger strike?

If you consider that a hunger strike for losing weight at home should not last more than one day, you will not lose more than 1-2 kg - and that due to the fact that you will be devastated by the intestines. In a day the departed weight will return again.

Correct hunger strike: two kinds

The medical hunger strike, like the hunger strike for weight loss, takes as a basis two kinds of starvation - wet and dry. Consider these:

  1. Wet starvation (hunger strike on the water). There are prohibited, but you can drink water, herbal teas, as well as green tea or juice. The liquid can not be more than 2.5 liters per day. Not every kidney is cope with it, and if there is swelling, then water should be drunk less. The control of the attending physician is important. And even if you really want, then you can not organize on your own more than one day of hunger strike.
  2. Dry fasting . This is the most controversial and complex method in which water is excluded from the diet. If a person tolerates it well, then it is forbidden even to contact with water - a shower, washing, etc. Such a diet, more precisely, a hunger strike, requires compulsory medical supervision.

At the same time, the entrance and exit from the hunger strike is a long and rather complicated process, which dilettantes usually do not observe, which causes numerous health problems.

How to get out of a hunger strike?

Most people after the end of the hunger strike can not deny themselves and therefore instantly gain weight back. This is one of the most important arguments against starvation in general. And if you consider that, despite all the warnings, people still do not consult a doctor, the potential risk from such an approach is greater than the potential one benefits.

So, how to get out of the hunger strike? First you need to include (if you have not already done so) in the herbal diet or green tea without supplements. In the afternoon, you can add salads from fresh vegetables. Only for dinner you can afford stewed vegetables. On the second day, you can gradually switch to vegetables, the third - to add dairy products, the fourth to introduce low-fat meat.

As you know, it is difficult to limit oneself after a short-term refusal of food. It is much easier and more pleasant to use softer ways to get rid of excess weight, for example - healthy eating and sports.