Sesame - useful properties and contraindications

Sesame or sesame is known since ancient times, when it was used as a medicine, which confirms its useful properties, but, like any product, this plant has its contraindications.

Benefit and harm of sesame seeds

As for the benefits, we can safely say that by consuming it in preheated form, after pre-soaking, the maximum benefit for the body is extracted. It should be noted that sesame oil contains a considerable amount of useful organic acids, triglycerides, ethers.

Sesame, included in its composition, acts as the strongest antioxidant. It must necessarily be included in the diet of those who are engaged in the prevention of cancer, reducing cholesterol.

If you have some problems concerning the mineral balance of the body, fitin can help get rid of them. Thiamine performs the function of normalizing metabolism , strengthening the nervous system.

Phytosterol will insure your body against the onset of atherosclerosis. And since in sesame, there are considerable reserves of calcium, it is an indispensable tool for the joints and bones of man.

It will not be superfluous to note that it is a storehouse of useful minerals and vitamins:

It is especially recommended to eat 30 grams of sesame seeds daily for women over 45 years of age. This is explained by the fact that phytoestrogen is able to produce sex hormones , which are necessary for a woman's organism of this age.

Sesame oil has a softening effect on the skin. Not only does it stimulate regeneration, it also restores its protective properties. For medicinal purposes it is used as a means to improve blood coagulability.

True, the sesame seed can bear not only good, but also harm. So, if you suffer from thrombosis, urolithiasis, increased coagulability of the blood, it is absolutely contraindicated to you. Also, exclude it from the diet if it is prone to allergic reactions.

Do not consume sesame oil or seeds on an empty stomach, as this will cause nausea.

Sesame is not suitable for weight loss for the reason that it contains fat in large quantities.

With the constant use of it, constipation and disturbances in the area of ​​normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may occur.