Caloric content of oatmeal on water

Each of us remembers this mess from childhood. If you want, you do not want to, but you have to. Now oatmeal, in general, is replaced with muesli. Oatmeal porridge is well absorbed and is rich in vitamins and microelements. In addition, it has a lot of carbohydrates, so it is very nutritious. In addition, there are few calories in oatmeal. In general, the dream of a nutritionist. Yes, this porridge is irreplaceable at losing weight, but what to do to those who do not like it? The answer is simple - you need to learn how to cook it properly.

Oatmeal cooked on the water

We already imagine how many of you frowned. But in vain. Have you met a lot of thick English? No. And all because the famous traditional English breakfast is oatmeal, boiled on the water. This start of the day perfectly starts the body and provides it with everything necessary. First, answer the question, how many calories are in the oatmeal on the water? In oatmeal, boiled on water 123.33 kilocalories per 100 grams, but this is provided that it is without salt, sugar, oil and other additives. This is 6% of the total daily rate. Quite a lot of carbohydrates in it, 21.16 grams and a little protein - 4, 17 grams, fats - 2.56 g. But not only a combination of low caloric content and a high content of "right" carbohydrates makes oatmeal an ideal food for a diet. Also, it facilitates the process of digestion, cleaning the intestines like a brush. This porridge has excellent enveloping and adsorbing properties.

How to cook oatmeal on water?

You can make oatmeal not only useful, but also delicious. In the morning for breakfast, nutritionists are advised to cook porridge with various berries, fresh or frozen, nuts, raisins , dried apricots, honey. For dinner, you can cook porridge with liver, kidneys, heart. This dish is digested by our body more quickly and is not postponed for a night's supply. Eat oatmeal on the water, and you do not have to count calories.