White nipples

Such a phenomenon as white nipples, many women note, but what this can indicate and in which cases this is a sign of violation - not many know. Let's look at this situation in more detail, and try to find out: because of what, or why the nipples turn white.

What is the normal color of the nipples?

This section of the breast in a healthy woman always has a uniform color, which can range from pale pink to dark brown. In some cases, barely discernible pimples (Montgomery's tubercles) may be present on the surface , which is a variation of the norm. The appearance on the nipples of black, blue, burgundy or white spots is a sign of violation. Typically, this indicates an inflammatory process in the gland, and in some cases - a tumor.

What are the causes of white plaque on the nipples during pregnancy?

Often, late gestation, in particular in its 3 trimester, women can note the discoloration of the nipple. This is due, first of all, to the increase in the concentration of prolactin in the blood, which stimulates the beginning of lactation. Therefore, colostrum can appear on the nipples, which at first has a transparent, and closer to the delivery - acquires a white tint.

What causes nipples to turn white when breastfeeding?

White plaque on the nipples during breastfeeding of the baby may indicate blockage of the milk ducts. As a result, the bulk of the synthesized breast milk can not go outside and white spots appear on the nipple. All this is accompanied by a sharp increase in the breast volume, the appearance of swelling, redness of the skin, a rise in temperature. In other words, lacquestasis develops.

White nipple after feeding is most often noted with strong lactation, when a lot of milk is produced. Therefore, after each breastfeeding, a woman should conduct hygienic procedures and use special pads that will not soil dirty underwear and prevent possible inflammation.

Thus, taking into account the above, a woman herself can often determine why her nipples have become white. If the explanation of this phenomenon could not be found (the woman does not breast-feed), it is worthwhile to see a doctor.