Swelling of the breast

Tumor of the breast is a common problem in modern women. And the indicators of the number of patients who have experienced this disease are directly proportional to the level of socio-economic development of the state in which they live. This fact is due to certain reasons:

In view of these and many other features of a woman's way of life in the era of high technology, not only the health of the reproductive system, but life in general, is endangered.

So, many women know about the presence of a breast tumor completely by accident, due to the lack of any signs. However, the asymptomatic course of the disease does not mean that it is not serious.

We will discuss in more detail which types of breast tumors exist, how to determine them, the characteristics, causes, methods of treatment and possible consequences for women.

Classification of breast tumors

First of all, every woman should know that even if she has a new growth in her breast, this is not a reason to panic beforehand. Since there is a high probability that it is a hormone-dependent breast tumor of a benign nature.

Good-quality education carries only a potential danger to human life and to a greater extent only signals other problems in the body. In medical practice I distinguish three types of such tumors:

  1. Cysts - cavities in appearance resemble bubbles of various sizes, filled with liquid. The main reason for their appearance is hormonal fluctuations.
  2. Fibroadenomas are mobile tumors with clear boundaries, consisting of connective tissue.
  3. Pseudo-tumors are various seals in the chest, with pronounced differences in comparison with the surrounding tissues.

As a rule, benign breast tumors have characteristic symptoms and successfully respond to treatment.

Malignant breast cancer

This disease is less common, but it presents a real threat to the life of the patient. Most often, women face this disease during a period of severe hormonal changes, for example, with menopause.

Diagnosis in the early stages is often very difficult. Since the presence and exact nature of the malignant breast tumor at the initial stage in view of the absence of symptoms is problematic. At later stages of the patient note:

Essentially important for successful treatment is a timely diagnosis. That's why experts strongly recommend that all women, and especially those who are at risk, regularly perform self-examination of the breast and visit a mammologist at least once a year. A separate study is prescribed by those patients who underwent precancerous diseases of the mammary gland (mastopathy, leaf-like tumor, other varieties of fibroadenoma, etc.).

What does the breast tumor look like, its types and treatment?

According to clinical manifestations, the pattern of germination and form are distinguished: nodular, diffuse and atypical form of cancer.

This classification is important in the choice of treatment, but the central place in choosing a therapy and prognosis for recovery is the histology of the breast tumor.

Much to our regret, often the primary treatment of women to the doctor falls on 3-4 stages of the disease, and in some cases even at the disintegration of the breast tumor, when the meaning has only symptomatic treatment.