Bladder cancer in women - symptoms

Bladder cancer that occurs in women refers to malignant formations of the excretory system. Most often, such a disease is exposed to the fair sex at the age of 60-80 years. However, it is worth noting that the disease is not so common, as, for example, in men who, according to statistics, fall 4 times more often with this pathology. This is due primarily to the more frequent contacts of men with external carcinogens, as well as the fact that the disease often develops against a background of prostatitis, in which increased in the volume of iron prevents a normal outflow of urine from the bladder.

What forms of this oncology are accepted?

Before considering the main symptoms of bladder cancer in women, it is necessary to name the types of this disorder. So, it is customary to allocate:

  1. The transitional cell form of cancer is the most common form of malignant tumors of this type. It accounts for about 90% of all cases of bladder cancer. Such tumors rarely metastasize, i.e. Do not penetrate into other organs and tissues located in the neighborhood. In most cases this type of oncology does not pose a threat to life and is well amenable to therapy.
  2. Squamous cell carcinoma. It develops quite rarely and is no more than 1-2% of cases. This form of the disease is most susceptible to the inhabitants of the Middle East and Africa, where its development is caused by the parasite Schistosoma haematobium.
  3. Adenocarcinoma is the 3 form of bladder cancer. It develops from urachus, - the urinary duct, which drains the urine into the amniotic fluid even at the intrauterine stage of human development.

What factors increase the risk of developing bladder cancer?

The doctors can not give a definite answer to this question today. The thing is that the nature of the origin of the tumor in itself is not determined in most cases. Despite this, certain factors that definitely contribute to an increased risk of oncology are certain:

What are the first signs of development of bladder cancer in women?

In view of the fact that the disease leads to destructive phenomena in the genitourinary system, the first thing that women note in the development of oncology is a change in urine. So, often after another visit to the toilet, you can see that it has become red or it has impurities of blood. This is not always such a urination accompanied by pain. In this case, the shade of urine itself can be from rusty to dark brown.

Also, the first symptoms of bladder cancer that occur in women include:

How to determine the presence of bladder cancer in women?

From the symptomatology described above, it can be seen that as such there are no specific signs of this disorder. Therefore, quite often the disease is detected by chance, when determining the cause of the manifestations.

Speaking specifically about the diagnosis of bladder cancer in women, it includes:

Thus, even knowing how bladder cancer is manifested in women, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive examination before the diagnosis is made.