Molded decor

We will now tell you about one of the oldest types of decor, which was used by the builders of the pyramids and the Roman Colosseum. After all, stucco molding can instantly transform any dull building, making it magnificent, creating an aristocratic and noble appearance. Almost all significant buildings can not do without stucco decor and now, beautifully decorating theaters, palaces, public buildings, noble residences. But why not use this trim for your dacha or apartment? This is how modern designers and manufacturers thought, starting to produce not the author's, but the factory stucco, using for this purpose various materials available to the buyer.

What do modern decorative moldings make of?

  1. Since long ago there has been only gypsum for the production of stucco molding. This material is exceptionally plastic and durable. In addition, it is harmless, which has become especially appreciated in recent years, when pollution of the environment has reached a threatening mark. The use of special additives made gypsum more resistant to unfavorable factors and already the housewives need hardly be afraid that their decor will swell or fall apart from the weakest dampness.
  2. Inexpensive and very affordable polystyrene at one time just occupied our homes. But it attracts not only a very small price, but also lightness, flexibility, which makes the installation of the stucco simple enough for the average user. The truth is in those places where the decoration is seen from all sides, it is undesirable to apply it. Perhaps, you can see the granular texture of the material, which you can not even hide under the painting. Although there is an option - facade putties and careful reinforcement eliminate this drawback. Economical and practical people should pay attention to stucco moldings and other products made of polystyrene foam. This product can save a lot of money and in skilled hands turns into elegant jewelry for your walls or ceiling.
  3. Stucco patterns of polyurethane . A special foam is poured into molds and pressed, after which a decor with the given dimensions and relief is obtained. This material is not afraid of dampness, it tolerates many cleanings well, without changing its color and beautiful appearance. The main thing in working with polyurethane is not stingy and pick up a quality glue that will ensure the durability and strength of joints. Such stucco ornament costs less than plaster, but it is more expensive and better in quality from foam products.

Describe the types of molded decorative ornaments, you can long. If you violate the repair, it is advisable first to consider the standard models of various well-known manufacturers, catalogs of author's art workshops. Maybe what is right for you is next to you in the warehouse, and you do not need to pay any expensive master for his unique works. Here we will give the most common options, how you can elegantly change the interior, creating a house stucco walls, ceiling, installing the original arches or cornices. Most of the given magnificent decor is assembled from standard blanks, and they cost much less than the buyer imagines in the beginning.

Types of stucco decor:

  1. Stucco panels and bas-reliefs.
  2. Stucco molding.
  3. Facade stucco decoration.
  4. Stucco arches.
  5. Stucco columns.
  6. Stucco decoration of the ceiling.

The appearance of this decoration largely depends on the choice of the buyer. Now available in a variety of styles of stucco decor. There are standard things, but you can also make an arch, cornice or column individually, decorating it with a fictitious drawing or emblem of some institution. Decide whether you prefer Empire, Roman style or Gothic, and you can go to the workshop to order work. Although we note that standard products have such a wide range that even without huge funds, the buyer can find stucco decor to your liking.