New Year in Western style

New Year is an excellent occasion to meet him in an interesting, new style! Let's find out how to hold a party dedicated to the New Year's Eve or to another Western-style holiday.

Western holiday script

The plot of the New Year's party should be thought in advance, as it should be defeating its themes. Take every possible trifle: distribute the role in advance or arrange a masquerade, allowing guests to come up with their own costumes. Instead of a traditional feast with olive and tangerines, arrange a buffet with exotic snacks or Mexican cuisine - this suits the holiday theme. Stylize the venue of the party, whether it's a cafe, bar or an ordinary apartment, under a cowboy saloon. New Year tree with success will replace a large cactus, decorated with tinsel and toys.

The New Year celebration implies a fairly long pastime, so the organizers of the event should competently distribute all the events in time: competitions and dances for live country music in western style, games for adults and children, main meal and snacks, as well as a meeting of the New Year and presentation of gifts.

Present gifts will, of course, not Santa Claus, and the Indian shaman or even Chingachgook the Great Serpent (for his role, choose one of the most enterprising and eloquent guests). Or, as an option, fold up the presents under the tree ... or rather, under the cactus.

If your holiday involves the participation of young children, it is best to allocate a separate room for their fun and invite children to play with the Indians, providing them with everything they need: suits, feathers, toy weapons, etc. Let the babies paint faces to each other, as befits real Indians - and you will turn the New Year in Western style into an unforgettable holiday!

Western-style costumes and hairstyles

The style of the western suggests a wide variety in the choice of roles: cowboys and their faithful wives, sheriffs and Indians, modest Indian girls and daring riders, shamans and gold seekers. A holster and spurs, cowboy hats and scarves, a sieve and a bag for gold miner, a sheriff's star and a rider's whip and, of course, jeans are essential attributes of thematic costumes. For girls, diadems of feathers, cowboy boots or Indian moccasins, short or, on the contrary, long multi-layered skirts, are appropriate.

As for hairstyles, then one should adhere to the principle of simplicity. No complicated hairstyles and lacquer lining! Hair can be loosely spread over the shoulders, collected in a pony tail or braided in an elegant braid. From the ornaments that fix the hair, choose natural materials: leather straps, satin ribbons, wooden hairpins.

Contests in the style of western

The contest for the best costume is suitable for a costume party, a masquerade. The winner is chosen, as a rule, the host of the party (if any), or by open voting among the participants. In any case, the meaning of this competition, like all others, is to amuse the guests, so there should not be any special confrontation between the participants. The winner receives a symbolic gift in the style of a party - for example, a cigar, a cowboy hat or a toy cactus.

Such a classic game as a phantom, you can perfectly beat in the style of a western. Write on the sheets the following tasks: "play" the horse, having driven one of the guests on the back, find in the room a horseshoe, drink a fine portion of whiskey, get an arrow in an apple, etc.

In the morning, when the guests get a bit tired from the stormy saloon fun, you can invite them to play "mafia."

Other suitable Western-style contests suggest competitions in various cowboy and Indian skills: to build a bonfire, to keep in the saddle, to twist the lasso, and also to compete in accuracy.