Gift for the wedding with your own hands - ideas

A wedding is always a joyful event in the life of everyone. To purchase a gift for the newlyweds, you can go to the store and pick up something worthy of attention there. However, it will be much more interesting to give something done by you personally. Let's look at a few ideas for wedding gifts, made by own hands.

Ideas of gifts for the wedding of newlyweds with their own hands

Let's consider the possible options for making wedding gifts with our own hands. One of them is a three-tiered wedding cake. For its manufacture we will need:

Let's get to work:

  1. From penokpleksa it is necessary to cut out three circles in diameters 12, 17, and 25 cm.
  2. The upper workpiece will open, therefore, it is necessary to cut out the inner part from it, leaving walls about 1 cm thick, and cutting off a thin plate about 7 mm thick from the cut circle. This is the cap of our cake.
  3. Now we need to glue the first blank from all sides with corrugated paper.
  4. Cut out a cardboard circle with a diameter of 12 cm and pasted it with corrugated paper. This will be another part of the cap for the cake.
  5. We connect two blanks for a cover from penoplex and cardboard with the help of hot glue.
  6. We glue corrugated paper with the rest of the billets for the cake.
  7. Using a hot gun, glue the bottom of the cake to the bottom workpiece.
  8. From the thick paper, cut three strips of different lengths and glue the sweets on them using double-sided scotch.
  9. We collect the cake from sweets and decorate it with the help of paper flowers.

A cool gift for the wedding, made by own hands, can become a vase with flowers.

For its manufacture we will need:

Let's start:

  1. From two-sided scotch we cut out small identical triangles, as well as details for women and men.
  2. We paste on the vases triangles.
  3. On one of the vases we attach the details of the female face, and on the other - the male. We apply to the products white paint in several layers
  4. This will look like two vases, which you can give to the newlyweds.