In the market of products for easy weight loss, soda has long established itself as a untwisted dummy. How many thousands, maybe tens of thousands, drank soda, diluted with water after eating is unknown, but the fact that it did not go to anyone for good is a fact.
Soda can not be drunk. Now those who are "stocked" with sodium bicarbonate can find a new application of an active fat burner - we are recommended to take soda with ginger in the form of baths for weight loss.
Bathing rules
In fact, it's not just soda with ginger - it's a mixture called Super Slim, where besides soda, English salt is added. These baths are recommended to take daily, one hour after dinner. After the bath you can not take a shower and wipe yourself - you need to wear a terry robe and lie down for 30 minutes.
One package of such a fat-burning mixture is designed for 10 procedures. Soda mixture should be simply dissolved in a bath of water 37-39⁰. The duration of taking a bath for weight loss - no more than 20 minutes.
What are you getting?
Manufacturers and sellers of this miracle means that using soda with ginger for bathing, you will lose about 5 kg in the first three days. But this should not be stopped. The mixture of Super Slim is also intended for getting rid of cellulite , normalization of lymph flow and subcutaneous circulation. If your goal is to get rid of orange skin, then it's recommended to complete as many as 5 courses.
Stunning fatliquoring effect is achieved due to a single property of miracle mixture - it is dehydration. For 20 minutes of the bath you can lose about a kilogram of weight in the form of water. For the sake of figure, of course, you can make such sacrifices, but dehydration is accompanied by dry skin, wrinkles, age spots, vascular network and scaling.
All this suggests that your body has lost a huge amount of moisture, but we are able to fill the deficit - your loss for one soda-ginger bath will be replenished with the drunk liquid (and just in case, swelling) within the next hours, as well as the weight on the scales .