Soda for weight loss

In search of a tool that solves all problems at once, many have found information about the use of soda for weight loss. It's no secret that soda due to its chemical properties prevents the absorption of fat. It is based on this situation, those who decide to try to lose weight with soda help themselves. As far as it is effective and safe, we will understand this article.

Water with soda for weight loss

The use of soda for weight loss leads to a change in acidity in the stomach. Because of this, the appetite decreases and the splitting and absorption of fats deteriorates. Many are sure: you can eat anything, because soda will not allow you to metabolize fats, which means that the caloric intake of the diet will be reduced without any effort, and weight loss will go very fast.

That's just a few people think about how dangerous it is to interfere with the debugged mechanism of digesting food. Instead of just not eating fat and fried, people are even ready to change the acidity of their own stomach! However, such an "easy" method leads to serious consequences. In many cases, and especially if you have chosen the wrong dosage, soda damages the mucosa of the esophagus, stomach and the entire digestive tract, which leads to the appearance of small ulcers that will bleed and create pain. Incidentally, it is extremely difficult to determine the appropriate dosage, so in most cases it is not possible to lose weight with the help of soda: the course is broken due to pain in the stomach and the need for subsequent treatment.

It is for this reason that we will not consider the harmful soda diet. Use this method of losing weight is very dangerous. It is much easier to give up harmful food, rather than cure the stomach after such an unpleasant experience of losing weight.

Soda and salt for slimming: bath

However, you can use soda in losing weight, but this will be a slightly different path. Namely - take a bath with soda. This will clear the skin, expel toxins and toxins, relax and improve metabolism. Of course, from baths alone you will not lose weight, you need a diet or a sport, and better - both.

In order to lose weight, in the amount of 300 grams of soda is dissolved first in a small amount of liquid, and then in a filled bath of water with a temperature of about 38-40 degrees (slightly warmer than body temperature). You can add sea ​​salt (as much), as well as 5-7 drops of any essential oil. Lying in such a bathroom you need about 20 minutes, then take a shower and apply a cream. After this, it is desirable to go to bed, so the bath is best used in the evening.

As already mentioned, this is only an auxiliary tool, and if you eat bread with butter, pancakes and donuts, supplementing it with other confectionery products, fast food, fat meat, potatoes and pasta, you will not lose weight. Ideally, a course of 10 baths taken every other day should be combined with proper nutrition. An approximate diet can be as follows:

Option one

  1. Breakfast: fried eggs or a couple of boiled eggs, a leaf salad.
  2. Snack: apple.
  3. Lunch: a serving of soup and a slice of black bread.
  4. Afternoon snack: curd cheese.
  5. Dinner: any vegetables except potatoes and beef.

Option Two

  1. Breakfast: porridge with a berry or cottage cheese with fruit.
  2. Snack: half-packs of cottage cheese.
  3. Lunch: vegetable stew with mushrooms .
  4. Afternoon snack: orange.
  5. Dinner: any vegetables except potatoes and chicken or fish.

Eating this way, you will easily come to the right weight. This is an easy, but satisfying diet that can be used constantly - it will not cause harm. In combination with baths, this method of nutrition will easily get rid of excess weight.