Does baking soda burn fat?

Soda is a hit of the vastly inventive expanses of the network. Internet users are divided into two parts: supporters of soda, those that elevate its miraculous properties, and pragmatist critics who do not believe try to be nonsense and do not even want to hear anything about such "innovations" in the field of weight loss. Let's take an objective look at the possibility of baking soda to burn fat.

Soda baths

The first method of using soda for burning fat on the body is a soda bath. The method says that it is necessary to fill the bath with as much hot water as possible (just soak!), Pour 0.5 kg of sea or salt and 200-300 g of soda. All mix and lie down in water for 20 minutes. If you do not have the opportunity to lie down, for example, fear for the heart, you can sit down or pour "problem zones" with this solution. "Experienced users" of the soda method claim that for each procedure you will lose 2 kg of liquid. It is recommended to conduct 10 procedures, weigh every second day. After the soda bath, you need to lie down under a warm blanket.

Due to what you lose weight?

If we weigh ourselves before and after the first soda bath , it seems that simple soda really burns fat, weight loss will really be about 2kg. Due to what happens such a huge weight loss? Hot water plus salt and soda is a joke activating the processes of sweating, and aggravates the process even with a warm blanket after. We lose fluid, but it's not really losing weight, because it's worth all to drink something, and the weight will return.


Now let's see how drinking soda burns fat in solutions taken inside. It is recommended to dilute a tablespoon of soda in a glass of water and drink throughout the day for several glasses. Since soda has an alkaline structure and the stomach is acidic, the intragastric medium becomes alkaline, as a result, the food for digestion of which requires acid is not digested, vitamins, useful substances are not digested. There is an upset stomach. At the same time, fat is digested in a calmer manner further in the small intestine. We lose weight due to the deterioration in the assimilation of just what is useful in our food. But that's not all. Soda in the wrong quantities or with regular intake can cause irritation, and even burns. After several portions of the healing drink, our esophagus will be covered with ulcers, and bleeding will begin.

Why was soda very popular before?

Most of you probably heard from grandmothers and grandfathers that soda should be drunk with "ear-throat-nasal" diseases, heartburn, poisonings, etc. The reason for such popularity in the past is the banal lack of necessary medications. Previously, soda was taken as an antibacterial and antifungicidal agent. Soda was recommended to drink with purulent angina and heartburn. In this case, people were guided by the ratio of benefit and harm, in which the benefit exceeded harm. Today it is absolutely inappropriate to drink soda from heartburn or with sore throat. A single intake of soda will suppress the increased acidity (and associated heartburn), but soon heartburn will come again and again in large volumes. The inhibition of the natural function of the stomach to produce acid stimulates its to a more intensified development than before. As for the sore throat, soda will not only be cleaned of pus, it will also irritate the mucous membrane of the already aching throat.


So, the answer to the question how to lose weight from drinking soda should be a short and cardinally negative word "no way". You can lose fluid (in the case of baths) or disrupt the stomach (taking the solution inside), but neither is called weight loss.

And about losing weight to lower hands, of course, should not. Just refer to more classic methods, such as sports and diet.