How can I manage everything with a small child?

Children radically change our life, now all the free time has to be given to the child, putting aside his interests in the background. There are kids who are calm, who can play with toys for a long time without causing any special trouble, and there are also active children who can not sit still and constantly demand the attention of their parents. In any case, young children are always in need of care, so many women are wondering how to manage everything to do with young children.

How to do everything with a small child?

To have time to do the planned household tasks on the day, and while not depriving your child of attention, we advise you to do everything together with the child, so:

  1. Cook together with the child. Give your crumbs pans, lids, plastic containers and any other safe kitchen utensils, while the kid is busy with the matter, you will have time to cook dinner while simultaneously communicating with your child. If you want to bake a cake or pile patties, give the child some flour and a piece of dough, believe me, it will be very interesting for any kid.
  2. Arrange order with the child. If you need to clean the house, involve your baby in this process, give him a wet cloth and show how to wipe the dust or wash the floors while the baby is working, you will have time to vacuum or wash the floors. Toys collect together, so you also teach the crumb to order.
  3. Do yourself with the child. If you need to make a make-up or a hairstyle, give your child a few pins and bright gum, so you take him for 10 minutes, during which time you can have time to make up.

Most young children sleep during the day, usually one two hours, during which time you can relax, sit at the computer or do any other business. Mummy, who are interested in how to do everything with an infant, can be happy, it's easier with a baby, because they sleep much more. Having fed the kid and having rocked him, you have at least 2 hours before the next feeding, you can do what you want. Of course, it happens that the baby is very naughty, so when he eventually falls asleep, better rest, your business will not escape.