How to make myself cry?

There is a state when you feel the need to cry, but there are no tears. The soul is bursting with pain, it takes a burst of emotion , but it does not turn out to be a cry. How to make yourself cry in such a situation - read in this article.

How to make a man cry?

If you are a person of subtle spiritual organization and have increased sensitivity, then music can help. Music that makes you cry, as a rule, is associated with some memories or certain life situations. Include these tunes and try to remember all those events that cast these compositions. You can also watch a sad film - such films as "Hachiko", "Titanic", "Postscript: I love you", "Diaries of Memory" will help me to feel.

Try to remember the words that make you cry. These can be phrases abandoned by loved ones and loved ones during quarrels, separations and partings . Feel every pain of that cell of your soul.

Try to get into the right emotional state and focus on your feelings. Pity yourself, remember all the most painful, complex and tragic situations. Press down on your most painful places. In order to cry enough to feel like the most lonely person in the world.

How to cry specially?

In order to cry specifically, try the following methods. You can open your eyes wide and keep them open without blinking for a few minutes. The quickest way to cause tears is to bring the cut onion to your eyes, but again, if you want to imitate tears before someone, the specific smell of onions can easily be given out. Try to press gently with your fingers in the corners of your eyes and wait until tears appear, but this effect will be short-lived.