Living dead: 18 dead, who have been saved time and people

When a person goes to a different world, his body is customarily given to the ground. But sometimes, for various reasons, people want to keep the deceased for a longer memory and not at all in pictures ...

You will not believe, but we have found 18 dead, whose bodies are still carefully preserved among the living!

1. Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924, Russia)

The father of Russian communism and the first leader of the USSR died almost 100 years ago, but his body looks as if Vladimir Ilyich fell asleep and is about to wake up!

In the distant 1924 the government decided to keep the deceased leader for future generations. To do this, we even had to invent a complex embalming process! At the moment, Lenin's body does not have any viscera (they are replaced by special humidifiers and a pumping system that maintains the internal temperature and fluid intake), and requires constant injections and baths.

It is known that during the existence of the Soviet Union, the costumes for the dead leader were changed once a year, and after the fall of the communist nation the leader ceased to be fashionable and now "changes" clothes every 5 years!

2. Eva "Evita" Peron (1919 - 1952, Argentina)

"Do not cry for me, Argentina," sang Madonna-Evita, playing the role of the main and beloved woman of the whole Argentine people - Evita Peron in the eponymous film.

No, then in 1952 the country did not want to put up with the death of the wife of President Juan Perón. And even more, who died of cancer Eva Peron so skillfully embalmed, that the result was later even called "the art of death"!

But in fact, in a dead body, there was even more life ... You will not believe, but the process of saving the deceased has occupied specialists for almost a year. It is known that after the arrival of the new government, Evita's body was stolen and hidden in Italy, where the caretaker fell in love with him and could not curb his sexual fantasies!

3. Rosalia Lombardo (1918 - 1920, Italy)

Deep in the catacombs of Capuchin monks in Sicily, inside the small glass box lies the body of the crumbs of Rosalia Lombardo. When in 1920 the girl died of pneumonia, her father, General Lombardo, could not cope with the loss. He sought out the embalming specialist Alfredo Salafia, and was ready to give all the money so that only the body of his daughter could be saved. And thanks to a mixture of chemicals, including formalin, salts of zinc, alcohol, salicylic acid and glycerin, it was possible to achieve a phenomenal result! After a while the body was given the name "Sleeping Beauty" and even a buyer was found who bought it!

Look how innocence is preserved on Rosalia's face. And today this mummy is not only the most well preserved in the world, but also the most visited in the catacombs.

Well, this X-ray photograph of Rosalia shows that her brain and internal organs are not damaged, although they have diminished over time.

4. Lady Xin Zhu (died in 163 BC, China)

This deceased was called Xin Zhu, and she was the wife of the Emperor's Chancellor of the Changsha County, Marquis Dai, during the Han Dynasty.

Perhaps the woman's name would have vanished into oblivion, if after her death she had not been mummified. The body of the Chinese woman in a fantastic way survived 2100 years after her death, and today over the mystery of the mummy, better known under the name "Lady Dai" scientists are racking their brains.

You will not believe it, but Xin Zhu's skin is still soft, her arms and legs may bend, her internal organs remain intact, and her blood is preserved in her veins. Somehow the mummy has even eyelashes and hair ... Today it is already established that during her life Xin Zhu was overweight, she suffered from back pain, blockage of arteries and heart disease.

5. "Virgo" or 500-year-old girl-mummy

And this 15-year-old girl from the Inca tribe , lying in the ice for almost 500 years, you just have not yet forgotten!

6. Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov (1852-1927, Russia)

If you still do not believe in miracles, then it's time to visit Buryatia and look at the imperishable body of the head of the Buddhists of Eastern Siberia monk Dashi-Dorji Titgelov, who sits in a lotus position.

But, most surprisingly, the body is in the open air, and not only does not decompose, but also exudes a fragrance!

7. A man from Tollund (390 BC - 350 BC, Denmark)

Another amazing finding of the "living" dead man is the human body that lay in the peat bogs of Tollund (Denmark) from the 4th century BC!

Found a "man from Tollund" in 1950. Then archaeologists found that the deceased was most likely hanged - he had a swollen tongue, and in the stomach was a portion of eaten vegetables and seeds!

Alas, the time and the swamp kept the body, but people could not - today only the head, legs and thumb of the hand remained intact from the find.

8. Tattooed Princess Ukoka (lived around the 5th century AD in Siberia)

Another eerie greetings from the past is Altai Princess Ukoka.

Found a mummy lying on its side with tightened legs.

On the hands of the princess there were numerous tattoos! But the dress was more interesting - in a white silk shirt, burgundy woolen skirt, felt socks and a fur coat. The complex hairstyle of the deceased is also unique: it is made of wool, felt and own hair and is 90 cm high. The princess died at a young age (about 25 years old) from breast cancer (a tumor in the breast and metastases were found during the study) .

9. Imperishable Bernadette Subier (1844-1879, France)

The daughter of the miller Maria Bernadette was born in Lourdes in 1844.

It is known that for a short life (the girl lived 35 years and died from tuberculosis) she was 17 times the Virgin Mary (white young lady), during which she indicated where to find the source with healing water and where to build the temple.

After the death and burial, Bernadette Subir was canonized, which is why the body had to be exhumed and embalmed. Since then, she was buried and exhumed two more times, after which she was finally moved to the golden reliquary in the chapel and covered with wax.

10. John Torrington (1825 - 1846, Great Britain)

Sometimes nature can save the body much better than embalming specialists. Here's how, for example - the body of John Torrington, a senior officer of the legendary Franklin expedition to the Arctic Circle. The researcher died of lead poisoning at the age of 22 and was buried in the tundra with three others in the campsite. In the 1980s Torring's tomb was exhumed by scientists with the goal of finding out the cause of the failure of the expedition.

When the coffins were opened and the ice was thawed, the archaeologists were amazed and frightened by what they saw - John Torrington literally looked at them!

11. Beauty Xiaohe (Lived 3,800 years ago, China)

In 2003, at the excavation of the ancient cemetery Xiaohe Mudi archeologists discovered a well-preserved mummy, named after the location - Beauty Xiaohe.

You will not believe, but this beauty in a felt hat for 4 thousand years of stay underground in a coffin-boat with bags of herbs, skin, hair and even eyelashes!

12. Cherchensky man (died about 1000 BC, China)

In 1978, in the Takla-Makan desert, a mummified "Cherchensk man" dated 1000 BC was found. e. The Cherchen was a blond with light skin 2 m in height, dressed in clothes made of European wool. He died at the age of 50 years.

Finding this mummy made historians rethink all that they knew about the interaction of Eastern and Western civilizations!

13. George Mallory (1886-1924, Great Britain)

In 1924, the alpinist George Mallory and his partner Andrew Irwin could be the first to conquer the summit of Everest, but, alas ... For 75 years the fate of the dead mountaineers remained a mystery, and in 1999 the expedition NOVA-BBC managed to discover a well-preserved body of J Mallory in the wind-torn clothes!

The researchers found that the two climbers were linked, but Irvine fell and fell.

14. Ramesses II the Great (1303 BC - 1213 BC, Egypt)

The mummy of one of the greatest pharaohs of ancient Egypt, Ramses II the Great, belongs to the most unique finds of our time. For more than 100 years scientists have been engaged in a fierce squabble, clarifying the cause of death of a person of this magnitude. And the answer was found after computed tomography. It turned out that on the throat of the pharaoh was found a penetrating cut (7 cm) to the spine itself, which affected not only the blood vessels, but also the trachea with the esophagus!

15. Wet mummy (lived 700 years ago, China)

In 2011, construction workers dug the foundation for a new road when they unearthed the mummy of a woman who lived 700 years ago during the Ming dynasty.

Thanks to the moist earth, the woman's body was remarkably preserved. Moreover, she has not damaged skin, eyebrows and hair!

But most of all impresses found on the "wet mummy" jewelry - a silver hairpin on his hair, a jade ring on his finger and a silver medallion for the expulsion of evil spirits.

16. Otzi or the icy man from Tyrol (3300 BC -3255 BC, Italy)

Ötzi Iceman (Ottsi-icy man) - the best preserved natural mummy of man from about 3300 BC (53 centuries ago). The find was found in September 1991 in the Schnalstal glacier in the Ötztal Alps, not far from Hauslabhoch, on the border between Austria and Italy.

The name she received due to the location of the discovery. The scientists found out that the cause of the death of the "ice man" was most likely a blow to the head. Today his body and things are represented in the Museum of Archeology of South Tyrol in Bolzano, in the north of Italy.

17. A man from Grobolla (late 3rd century BC, Denmark)

In the middle of the 20th century, some perfectly preserved bodies were found in the peat bog in Denmark. The most attractive of them, so to speak, was "a man from Grobolla." You will not believe, but on his hands still had nails, and hair on his head!

Radiocarbon dating of his undamaged (!) Liver showed that he lived more than 2,000 years ago, and died when he was about 30 years old, probably from a deep neck cut.

18. Tutankhamun (1341 BC - 1323 BC, Egypt)

Remember, most recently we remembered how the historical characters really looked , and finally learned how Tutankhamun was during his lifetime.

Today, the discovery of the mummy of the pharaoh can be considered the most unique discovery of mankind - well, at least remember that the tomb of Tutankhamen was not looted by the ancient robbers and, in addition, all the subsequent hoaxes associated with the "curses" after the autopsy of the tomb by G. Carter.

Only alas, it is necessary to admit - of all the surviving "living" dead, Pharaoh Tutankhamun was not in the most "pristine" form.