Keto diet - menu for the week

The organism uses substances coming from outside, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, to generate energy and regenerate. Carbohydrates are the simplest source of energy. Deprived of it, the body begins to use ketones - the product of oxidation of fatty acids, and very quickly burns extra pounds. It is on this principle that the popular cyclical keto diet is based , the menu of which is optimal for women.

Diet and principles of keto diet

The effectiveness of the keto diet is based on the fact that a carbohydrate-deprived organism begins to intensively break down proteins and fats. However, the process of processing proteins is so energy-intensive that their energy value is only enough for this, and the main source of energy for vital activity are fats, or more precisely, ketones derived from them. Moreover, the body uses in this case not only the fats obtained with food, but also those that have already been accumulated by the body.

The diet of the keto diet is based mainly on protein foods (meat, fish, offal, cheese, cottage cheese, nuts, some vegetables are also allowed - cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini - up to 100 g per day), and this diet is not significantly reduced in calorie and fat content requires, so a person does not suffer from hunger. This is a significant advantage of this mode. However, deprivation of carbohydrates is well tolerated by far not all, and it is because of this that the keto diet is considered difficult to maintain. To reduce the stress factor of a diet leading to breakdowns, as well as its danger, doctors suggest using a cyclic version of the keto diet.

A cyclic variety of keto diet provides alternation of low-carbohydrate and almost non-carbohydrate days. This diet also helps to lose weight quickly, but at the same time keep muscle mass. In addition, the cyclic keto diet is less harmful to the body, because the complete elimination of carbohydrates can lead to serious problems with the intestines and kidneys.

The menu for the week of keto-diet for women includes:

Two times a week it is allowed to include in the diet up to 100 g of carbohydrate products - cereals, berries, vegetables.

Keto diet and exercise - menu for the week

Low-carbohydrate diet with high protein content is perfectly combined with physical loads that help to form a beautiful sport silhouette. In this case, the diet is somewhat modified - before training, you need to consume carbohydrate foods, because they are needed to supply energy to the working muscles.

The approximate menu of keto-diet at physical exertion:

Disadvantages of keto diet

A diet with a large amount of protein food and a very low content of vegetables causes problems in the work of the intestines, which can lead to serious diseases. To avoid this, doctors recommend to include in the diet fiber, which can be purchased in the form of powder. The content of carbohydrates in it is extremely small, but at work of the intestine this supplement will be reflected positively.

Many people sitting on keto-diet, note the decline in efficiency and the decline of strength. This is the result of a shortage of carbohydrates, which nourish both the brain and muscles. The effect of decay usually lasts only a few days, then the body completely rebuilds to the process of lipolysis and begins to receive energy from ketones.

The fact that the process of lipolysis is started, signals the acetone smell that appears on the dieter. To reduce it, you must use an increased amount of water - 3 liters per day.

Dangerous keto-diet and low amounts of vitamins, so during the period of its adherence, pharmacies are required.