Margarita Koroleva - diet for 9 days

Margarita Koroleva is a nutritionist of most domestic stars and compiler of the notorious star diets. If her advice helps to look like a million brightest pop stars, then certainly contribute to the loss of our pair of three kilograms. For those who lost weight with lasting weight, we suggest to overpower the express diet of Margarita Koroleva for 9 days.


9 day diet Margarita Queen - this is three stages and three mono-kits. During each stage and every day of the diet you should drink at least 2 liters of water and eat 3 tsp. honey. The rest depends on the direction of the mono-diet:

Thus, every day you will lose from ½ to 1 kg. With this, really low-calorie menu, you can not play sports, load yourself with digging up beds and even zealous with mental labor - it does not work out, because the body simply does not have the resources for heavy activities.

We use mono diets in the original order, not modifying the diet!

Rice diet - 3 days:

In the evening we pour rice with water, wash it in the morning to clear water, boil for 15 minutes. Divide the resulting rice into 5-6 meals. Honey is eaten separately, just washed down with water. The last meal until 7 pm, after 7 - not particularly "flooded" with water, by this time there should be only 1 glass of water not drunk.

Chicken / fish diet - 3 days:

We cook the chicken in the evening or cook for a couple. In the morning we remove the skin, and after drinking a glass of water, we eat 1/5 of the carcass. Similarly we do in the case of fish.

5 meals a day, the last - until 7 pm.

During these three days, you can alternate the days of the fish and the days of the chicken, but within one day the products are not mixed.

Vegetable Diet - 3 days:

Traditionally, we need water, honey and, in this case, 1 kg of vegetables per day. Basically, vegetables should be green and white, but take also one carrot and beet. Half of the vegetables are stewed, and from the second part we prepare a special, cleansing salad for the last stage of the diet of Margarita Koroleva for 9 days. For its preparation, grind all the vegetables on a grater, and cabbage finely shred. Add a little olive oil, lemon juice, mix and divide into three portions. We also do stew products. We alternate meals during the day.


Diet Queen 9 days - although not fasting, but very extreme diet, with which you can get rid of a significant amount of excess weight . Therefore, it should be avoided at the slightest violations of the GI tract, as well as chronic diseases of any organs and systems.

In addition, if this is your first attempt to go on a diet, and you are not sure that you will be able to hold out - do not start, in this case, to sit on Margarita's 9-day diet and "jump" from her - the worst thing you can do for your body.

As for the exit from the diet - if you apply it before you leave, in preparation for the beach season or before an important exit, try not to luxuriate with forbidden foods and immediately after a diet. Breaking off on salty, sweet, floury, fat your pounds will return with interest, and the body will experience another severe stress. Therefore, if you can not eat normally after a diet, it's best not to start it, but love yourself for who you are.

The higher your excess weight, the more kilograms you lose on a diet. In general, "leaves" from 3 to 9 kg for a painful 9 days, partly water, partly fat.