Grapefruit Diet

Grapefruit is an excellent way to lose weight! But why use for weight loss is grapefruit, and not any other citrus? The grapefruit diet is based on the statement that grapefruit contains substances that have a unique property of burning fat.

The grapefruit diet was created in the early 30-ies of the twentieth century. This diet is very popular, and it is also called the "Hollywood diet" because the world's movie stars used a grapefruit diet for fast and effective weight loss.

What is the secret of the grapefruit diet?

The effectiveness of the grapefruit diet is that this diet will help to lose 3-4 kg in one week. Since the diet is quite rich in vitamins B, C, P, D and contains potassium and calcium, in a short time you can lose the right amount of excess weight, and most importantly without the slightest harm to your body. Some rules, while observing this diet: do not eat after seven in the evening and do not apply the diet for more than 7 days.

Grapefruit is advised to eat for dessert after a meal, as this citrus helps burn 50% of calories eaten and speeds up metabolism. Also, the use of grapefruit leads to an improvement in the work of the intestines, stimulating the process of digestion, and as a result, weight loss occurs.

Grapefruit diet menu:

1 day

For breakfast, eat 1 grapefruit, 2 thin slices of ham, coffee or tea without sugar.

You can dine with a vegetable salad (250 g), seasoned with lemon juice, and for dessert you can eat grapefruit.

For dinner, you can afford boiled meat (150 g wet weight), a green salad with lemon juice (200 g), tea with a spoonful of honey.

2 day

The second day begins with breakfast, which consists of grapefruit and two boiled eggs. Breakfast can be served with unsweetened tea or coffee.

For lunch, eat one grapefruit and a portion of fat-free cottage cheese (150 g).

Dinner can be boiled fish or fish cooked on the grill (200 g), a salad of green vegetables (150 g) and a small slice of black bread.

3 day

For breakfast, cook two tablespoons of oatmeal, add a few walnuts and pour low-fat yogurt. Finish breakfast with one grapefruit.

Lunch on the third day will consist of grapefruit and a cup of vegetable soup (200 g) with two rusks.

Eat boiled chicken meat (200 g) and two baked tomatoes. Have dinner with a cup of green tea without sugar. Before going to bed, you need to eat half a grapefruit.

4 day

A light breakfast of the fourth day of the diet will include a glass of tomato juice, boiled egg, green tea with a slice of lemon.

For lunch, eat one grapefruit and a salad of cabbage and carrots dressed with olive oil. You can afford one toast.

Supper can consist of boiled or stewed non-starchy vegetables (350-400 g). Green tea. At night eat one grapefruit.

5 day

Breakfast of the fifth day of the grapefruit diet consists of fruit salad (grapefruit, kiwi, apple) and unsweetened coffee or tea with lemon.

For lunch - one baked potato and a salad of tomato and cucumber (200 g).

Eat a beef chop (250 grams) with a baked tomato and a glass of tomato juice. At night eat one grapefruit.

On the 6th and 7th days, you can choose any option from the list above.

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If in the process of observing the grapefruit diet there is a strong feeling of hunger, you can drink a cup of kefir with one percent fat content between meals. It is advisable to drink tea only green.

The interval between meals should be five hours. Inclusion in the diet of salt is prohibited, since salt reduces the effectiveness of the diet. Also, various sauces and spices are prohibited.

To consolidate the result after a diet, you only need to monitor the amount of calories eaten. Need to monitor the amount of calories absorbed by the body, namely not to exceed 1500 calories per day, and then the weight will be stable.

Egg-grapefruit diet

There is another version of the grapefruit diet - this is an egg-grapefruit diet. The diet is calculated only for 3 days and allows you to lose 1.5 kg.

Menu of the egg - grapefruit diet:

The menu of this diet is very simple, it is necessary for lunch and dinner to eat half a grapefruit, two boiled eggs, a slice of rye bread. You can drink a cup of tea with a lemon or coffee without sugar.

A little monotonous, but it's only for three days!