How thin Olga Kartunkova - diet

Olga Kartunkov, captain of the KVN team "City of Pyatigorsk" lovers of this fascinating game are accustomed to seeing on the crest of positive and active. She is artistic, emotional, with a fine sense of humor. Her scenic image was also accustomed to it: an assertive and imperious "captain" with magnificent forms, which will achieve its goal at any cost. However, more recently, Olga Kartunkova appeared on the screen sharply thinner, tightened, noticeably postroynevshey and rejuvenated woman, which did not immediately recognize the former Olga Katrunkova after a diet made specially for her by the organizers of the project on losing weight of the magazine "StarHit".

Olga herself repeatedly stressed that she does not complex about overweight and does not deny herself different taste. However, it happens, certain accidents make adjustments to our habitual life. So it happened with Olga, when she broke her leg and spent most of the time at the TV, absorbing her favorite buns. However, at some point, as Olga Kartunkova herself admits, she realized that if nothing is changed, it can happen that the wheelchair simply can not stand it, because with the growth of 164 cm she weighed at that time 134 kg.

Olga Kartunkova made her choice: she made a personal diet, which first allowed him to lose weight by 17 kg, and then bring the "lost" weight to 40 kg, while on the TV screen you could actually see a slimy and prettier young woman who completely changed her form.

Today, many are interested in how Olga Kartunkova lost weight, and what is the diet that brings such amazing results.

How is the diet built?

The basis of the diet is a set of products that fully meets the requirement, filling the body during the day with a certain amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates . In this diet this ratio is 70 g-30 g-120 g per day, and Olga strictly observes it.

  1. Diet Kartunkovoy includes a diverse set of products, but it is mandatory in the menu for breakfast provided a fruit salad, which includes apples, pears and citrus. Fruits in the diet are used quite widely, but grapes and bananas are excluded from the diet, as in this diet they are not considered as dietary products.
  2. In it, snacks are allowed, in which the use of fruits and nuts is also possible.
  3. For lunch - boiled chicken breast without skin.
  4. The diet for which Olga Kartunkova has grown thin, provides daily consumption of clean drinking water up to two liters, as well as herbal teas and infusions.
  5. Dinner consists of low-fat cottage cheese and other sour-milk products.

It is worth knowing that eating should be done at the same time, and the number of receptions should be increased to 4-5. When the weight of the portion is reduced by one dose to 100-120 g.

When they are wondering which diet Kartunkova has lost, many expect to hear about incredible sets of products or some magic tricks that, like a wave of a magic wand, help instantly lose weight, but this is far from the case.

What is forbidden by diet?

Work on weight reduction is hard work, requiring discipline and a real desire to get rid of excess kilograms, therefore, starting work on yourself, Olga had to agree to strict restrictions:

The result achieved by Olga Kartunkova is evidence that a great desire and painstaking work on oneself always gives proper results.