Marinade for beef

The correct marinade is able not only to give the meat an original taste and piquancy. With its help, you can make even such a moody and harsh product as beef. And then cooked from it shish kebab and chops will make a worthy competition to dishes from pork and chicken.

To make such a correct marinade will help you our recipes offered below.

Wine marinade for shish kebab of beef - recipe


Calculation of 1.7-2 kg of beef pulp:


Onions and garlic are cleaned, shredded with thin rings and plates, respectively. Spread the vegetables in an enamel or glass bowl, mix with red dry wine, add salt to taste, ground black and red pepper and seasoning for shish kebab. We soak the sliced ​​beef tenderloin in the resulting mixture for a minimum of seven, but not more than eighteen hours. With prolonged pickling, the meat is excessively saturated with acid, which will negatively affect the taste of the shish kebab.

If you like the sour taste of a shish kebab, then you will undoubtedly be satisfied with the marinade for shish kebab from beef with vinegar.

Marinade for shish kebab of beef - recipe with vinegar


Calculation of 1.7-2 kg of beef pulp:


As in the previous marinade recipe, the cleaned and chopped onion and garlic are mixed in this case with vinegar, ground black pepper, salt and seasoning for shish kebab, let's mix the resulting mixture with beef slices and leave them in a cool marinating place for about five hours, glass or enameled container.

Marinade for beef chops


Calculation of 1 kg of beef pulp:


Prepared properly, cut into portions and beaten beef we chop from two sides with a mixture of salt, granulated sugar, ground mixture of peppers and seasoning for meat. We put the meat slices in a glass or enamel bowl on top of each other, pour the milk so that it completely covers them, and leave for five to seven hours in a cold place for pickling.

This marinade is used for chops from beef, followed by frying them in a frying pan in batter, which can be used as the principle of alternate dipping into flour, eggs and breadcrumbs.

Marinade for beef in oven in foil


Calculation of 1.7-2 kg of beef:


Garlic is rid of husk, mash in a mortar or crushed with a rolling pin or knife. We place it in a glass or enamel bowl, pour olive oil and soy sauce, add salt, ground black pepper and dried spicy herbs. Stir and rub the resulting mixture prepared properly hunk of beef. We cover the dishes with meat with a film or lid and put them in a cool place for five to seven hours for marinating.

We put the marinated meat in foil and can be sent for baking in the oven.

Quick marinade for grilled beef


Calculation of 2 kg of beef pulp:


To prepare marinade, mix freshly prepared pomegranate and onion juice with vegetable oil, salt, pepper and spices and soak prepared beef slices for a few hours in the resulting mixture. Meat, marinated in this way and fried on the grill, is especially tender and juicy.