25 gyfok, which will make you laugh to tears


1. Cracker - 80lvl

2. The fan of balloons

Wait a minute ... Is this a ball?

3. The most terrible moment in the life of this dog

4. A little scared

5. Technologies of the future

6. A dog who knew exactly what would happen next

7. This pug is ashamed of his dancing abilities

8. Dissatisfied tipper truck

9. Too active toy

10. "And this is for Charlie!"

11. There are two types of protein

12. A good dog

13. Children are just tiny adults. Slightly tipsy)

14. Catch the moment

15. It did not work out

16. She had only one assignment

17. When the summer at the grandmother opens in you sprint abilities.

18. The run was a success.

19. I can not

20. Such a real virtual reality.

21. Stop it! Stop it, I said it!

22. "Catch the girl with the bouquet!"

23. Now she will always be afraid of clowns

24. The smartest dog on the planet

25. Double attack