23 great ideas that will help you earn extra money

After all, money is never superfluous.

1. Register for work-zilla.com.

Here you can find all sorts of tasks for which customers are willing to pay. The cost of the service depends on its complexity and is indicated in the task card along with the due date.

2. Sell your photos.

If you have a ton of old beautiful photos, why not sell them? The demand for such content is always high. And both on domestic and foreign photo exchanges.

3. Become a representative of Avon, Faberlic, Amway or any other brand.

Network marketing today is rather well developed. At first glance it seems that it is almost impossible to earn anything in this industry. But in fact, purposeful representatives of trade marks earn so well that they often leave the main place of work and give themselves completely to this "hobby".

4. Do needlework.

Learn to do something with your own hands. Hendmeid now in the price. The main thing is to do everything neatly and qualitatively.

5. Rent your things out.

New announcements on renting equipment, tourist equipment, bicycles, even clothes appear regularly on message boards. Choose a list of what you could share with others, and start earning. But do not forget to think over the terms of the lease beforehand - people are still different, and to protect themselves will not hurt.

6. Share your experience.

Surely you know or know something better than others. So why not make money on your knowledge and skills? Think about the program, make an announcement on social networks and assemble the group into a master class. Be sure to analyze each lesson and improve, then the price of the classes can be increased, and there will be no end of the students.

7. Rent a room or land.

Service Airbnb allows you to rent rooms, apartments and even kitchen gardens or land in the garden - here you can put a tent. True, this way of earning is more suitable for residents of resort towns and tourist centers.

8. Get rid of old gadgets and other things.

Each house has at least one old phone or mp3 player. You will be surprised, but for any old gadgets and other worthwhile things you can get good money. Just try to put them on sale. The buyer will find and quite quickly. Otherwise, if an interesting proposal does not arrive, you can always delete the ad and keep the thing at home.

9. Earn on mailing services.

In fact, this is a whole separate world. There are a lot of different sites offering money for watching videos, introducing captcha, so-called Internet surfing, reading mail, etc. Of course, the fee is not high, but it corresponds to the laboriousness.

10. Become someone's virtual assistant.

To be someone's assistant, it is not necessary to sit with him in the same room. In the network, there are more and more offers of work as a virtual assistant. That is, you will receive all the tasks by e-mail or in instant messengers and can be performed remotely.

11. Earn on cooking.

Learn to cook something that will certainly interest the buyers. It can be pies, patties, salads, cakes, cakes, dinners - yes anything you like. The main thing is to cook with soul and from quality products. And to get to know about you, advertise yourself through groups in social networks or, for example, participate in food festivals.

12. Use cards with cashback.

The money-back service is not so popular in the former CIS countries. But some banks already offer cards for which a part of the funds is returned from purchases or after payment for services. For more information about such try to find out in your bank.

13. Write.

Making money on copywriting is very real. To check if you get it, register on some copywriting exchange and try to get the first order. Let it be a simple short text with a long lead time. If copywriting is for you, you will understand this after a small essay.

14. Participate in flea markets.

In some cities flea markets have already become a regular event. On them, everyone can sell their old things, gadgets.

15. Get money for the reviews.

For those who like to criticize and evaluate, there are also special websites. Write your feedback on books, films, music and get rewards and bonuses.

16. Become a secret buyer.

This helps not only to earn, but also to increase the service. For secret buyers, there are also special exchanges. They regularly appear new tasks of varying complexity. The duties of the "cache" include visiting certain stores, communicating with staff and writing a response in the questionnaires offered by the customer.

17. Participate in online surveys.

Another good way to improve service and earn extra money. After registering on the respective sites, letter-questionnaires come regularly, for which a fee is charged to the personal account.

18. Earnings in affiliate programs.

All you need is a banner or advertiser link. Interest can drip after each transition by reference or as a result of performing a certain action (registration, purchase, etc.).

19. Blogging.

A blog can be thematic or just talk about life. The main thing is that the content in it was interesting. The more readers you attract, the more expensive will be the advertising on your resource.

20. Start your channel on YouTube.

Videoblogging is another fashion trend of earning money. Own channels today are both old people and children. But to make the video blog generate revenue, it should be interesting and quality.

21. Conducting a group in social networks.

Advertising in popular communities with a large number of participants in social networks is worth a lot. But to keep the group at the right level, it should constantly add interesting content for users: music, pictures, anecdotes, videos and stuff.

22. Resale of things.

This way of earning is suitable for those who can buy goods wholesale or abroad. In this case, purchases are cheaper and unique. Therefore, they will always be in demand, and the difference in prices can be good to earn.

23. Work on the phone.

Some large firms are looking for employees who need to call customers. The telephone base is provided. A call, as a rule, is carried out with the help of special free programs. The biggest difficulty - to agree on the time of work.