How not to think about the bad?

Any event that occurs in our life, paradoxically as it may sound, is neutral. What does this mean? Let's look at an example. Suppose you missed the bus. Someone, due to this, will successfully take a place that could be occupied by you. Perhaps someone will come to you at the bus stop, while you wait for the next transport, and you tell the stranger the route, or the time, or treat him with a cigarette. For you, your delay is certainly sad, but it is only for you.

We make this or that event "bad" or "good" by our attitude. Understanding and using this knowledge will help us in deciding how not to think about the bad. Well, will we get rid of the disease? ..

The real problem

How not to think about the bad, if all the same we have formed a similar attitude to anything. In case this "bad" has not happened yet, but you are not left with the thought that it will certainly happen, the following will help to get rid of this oppressive sensation:

People tend to exaggerate their problems and troubles, their importance in their lives. In fact, they are not troubles at all, we understood this at the very beginning.

How to stop thinking about the bad, if this has already happened. To begin with, perhaps from this someone and feel better, it is necessary to disassemble the situation, "spread out on the shelves," so to speak. What happened, why it happened and who is to blame for this is the first part of the analysis. In the second part of the analysis, answer yourself to the question what you could do, but, alas, it's too late. That's all. The situation does not change, nothing can be done already, which is what you get. Now we should accept the situation as it is. Accept, look at it from the other side, evaluate it objectively. The ultimate goal of your analysis is to change your attitude towards the problem. Once you do this, the bad will cease to be bad, and you will stop thinking about it and fueling despair. The truth is, life goes on, and it's all a precious experience.

Imaginary Problem

In danger of becoming a hostage of depression are those people who constantly think about the bad, and who themselves think about people badly.

Depression is a psychological illness, a disorder in which there is no place for a positive attitude. You can not always think about the bad, especially if you have no reason. What thoughts we have, shapes our reality and our life. Why think about the bad, when you can think about the good and arrive in the appropriate mood. If you constantly think and wait for something unpleasant from life, then such events will be attracted, like a magnet. As they say, thoughts are material, so you do not need to think bad. Try to surround yourself with beautiful things, interesting, positive people, walk more, communicate, do not shut yourself up. In case you are worried about something, you are worried about something, share your problem with a person close to you.

Another point to pay attention to is our dependence on the opinions of others. How often we are worried by the fact that they think badly about us, at the same time, it does not even matter who is a neighbor, colleague, seller in a store. Those who love us will not think badly of us. Even if we have done something, a close person will always be able to understand, accept and support.

"Do not think badly about me" - such a request requires us to behave with dignity towards those who are dear to us. The opinion of these people is really important for us, and as for the rest, it is a waste of time. After all, nothing changes as quickly as a person's opinion.