Mila Kunis praised her husband for "golden hands"

Actress Mila Kunis continues to tell the curious details of her family life with Ashton Kutcher. This time the conversation took place in the studio of The Talk. Mila admitted that her husband, despite being a highly paid artist, was used to doing all the male homework. Even if this process takes him a whole month ...

"My husband is a simple guy, originally from Iowa. His father is a carpenter, and Ashton himself loves to do everything with his own hands. I do not need the call of any master, whether it's a carpenter, or a plumber, for example. On the eve of the weekend I write for my husband a note with errands, I call it "List of cases for a loved one". A box or door can be mentioned in it. "
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Safe house

The guest of the show spoke about how before the birth of their first child, Wyatt's daughter, the husband decided to independently build in the house barricades that are put on the stairs to ensure the safety of the child:

"You will be surprised, but when we found out that I'm waiting for the baby, it became clear that we need to work on the comfort and safety of our home. At my beloved man for everything, he did not want to buy ready-made barriers from plastic, or, for example, metal. I already said that he grew up in the family of a carpenter, so our barriers should have been exclusively wooden and handmade! Ashton coped, that's only one thing, it took him 6 months, and we needed four of them to protect the entire space. I told my wife that we simply do not have time! It sounded like this: dear, they are beautiful, a real masterpiece, but we need many more such designs. "