How to make you respected?

Respect and recognition - that's what most people want, perhaps. The society, undoubtedly, participates in the process of the formation of personality. It is important to us how people are treated and treated by us, who are involved in our life. Many are concerned with the question of how to become a respected person. Read more about this.

Why are they not respected me?

The attitude of others to one's own person is easy to understand. Negligence and indifference, irresponsibility and unpleasant jokes in their address - all this testifies to the lack of respect. It's not a secret for anyone that anyone is pleased when people around him listen to him, show benevolence and interest. Such an attitude can only be earned by acting. People always pay attention to what you say and do, for many, the degree of correspondence of your words to deeds is important. When a person talks about his intentions, goals and achievements, but in reality he does not do anything like that in his life, then in the eyes of those around him, he becomes an ordinary "whip".

If you want to earn respect, be worthy of it. Be careful in "loud" statements and responsibility in their actions.

Do not forget that it is impossible for everyone to be "good and right". Earn respect for those who are really dear to you. What to do to respect the husband? - You need to start with yourself. Household problems and worries should not turn you into a gray "stain", more like a piece of interior in the house. Become interesting, engage in any activity. Show yourself in everything - in the comfort of home, as a wife and mother. Be interested in everything that you do not know yet and then will be interested in you and show respect for everything that you do.

How to begin to respect yourself?

Respect for yourself requires utmost honesty and sincerity. You can deceive anyone, but not yourself. If you committed in their lives that which is deeply regretful or ashamed, then we need to begin with this. Try to apologize to people in relation to which you did not behave decently. Return what you have stolen, confess that for so long you have been tormented, repent of what you have done.

You need to learn to forgive yourself. Recognize your mistakes and failures, accept them and give yourself a promise to improve and become better. And most importantly, any word you give yourself, you need to keep and fulfill the intent. Then you will begin to respect yourself, because you really will have a reason for this.