Medlar - how to grow at home and get a harvest?

Exotic plants are not suitable for the climatic conditions of the countries of the former Union, so the chance to grow them in the open ground is reduced to a minimum. What a medlar looks like, how to grow it at home and how to provide proper care is useful information for those who want to grow an unusual tree with delicious fruits on their windowsill.

How does the medlar look at home?

In natural conditions a tree can reach a height of 8 m, but at home it does not grow more than 1.5-2 m. The main characteristics include the following information:

  1. The leaves are oblong, leathery with a slightly glossy surface from above and velvety from below.
  2. When the medlar blooms in the home, it produces a pleasant aroma of bitter almonds.
  3. The flowers are pollinated independently, but if artificial pollination is carried out, then more crops can be obtained.
  4. Fruits grow in clusters of 8-12 pcs. and their diameter in most cases is about 8 cm. They have an oval shape and orange in color. Inside are the bones, the number of which varies from 3 to 8. As for the taste of fruit, it resembles a mixture of pears and sweet cherries with pleasant sourness.
  5. Fruits are not only delicious and juicy, but also very useful. They can be eaten both raw and processed.

How does the loquat grow at home?

You can grow a tree in a winter garden, a greenhouse or simply indoors. Decorative fruit varieties will be an ornament of any interior and if desired they can be cut to get bonsai. It's easy to take care of them, the main thing is to remember the basic requirements of this culture. For those who are interested in how to grow a loquat at home, it's worth knowing that the best varieties for this purpose are: Tanaka, Morozko, Champagne and Seiles.

How to plant a medlar in the home?

To quickly grow an adult plant, it is better to use a seedling or stalk, but if this is not possible, then the bones that remained after the eaten fruit will do. How a loquat is planted, how to grow a healthy and strong plant at home is common questions answered by experienced gardeners. They distinguish several basic stages of seed preparation for planting:

  1. Use bones from large and ripe fruit. They must be noticeably heavy, which indicates that they are not empty inside.
  2. Rinse them in running water and dry for three days. For a longer time to leave the stone is not recommended, since the chance that they will germinate will decrease.
  3. In the instructions - how to plant a loquat in the home, an obligatory procedure is the scarification of the shell, that is, its destruction, which is important for speeding up the germination process. Using sandpaper, walk through it from all sides. It is recommended to rub for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Send the stones for three days in water at room temperature. If desired, to accelerate the germination process of seeds, you can add a few drops of the biostimulator, for example, "Epin" or "Zircon".
  5. Finding out what a loquat is, and how to grow a plant from a bone at home, it is worth pointing out that the planting should take place in early spring. Take the pot, fill in the drainage, for example, the medium-sized expanded clay, and the soil mixture. Seeds are deepened no more than 1.5 cm. They should be watered with standing water.

How to grow a bone medlars at home?

When the bones were lowered into the ground, it is important to create ideal conditions for them to grow and develop.

  1. To create a greenhouse effect, place the pot on top with a packet. Place it in a sanctified place, but do not place direct sunlight on the container.
  2. To grow a loquat from a bone at home without proper irrigation will not work. It should be moderate, so as not to create stagnation of liquid, but complete drying of the soil should not be tolerated.
  3. If all stages of preparation were observed, then the seeds will germinate within 3-4 weeks after planting. When the shoots in height reach 2-3 cm, then you must start every day to ventilate the greenhouse.
  4. When the medlar gets used to the drier air, then you can completely remove the film. The ambient temperature should be at 18-20 ° C. It is also recommended to periodically spray sprouts using warm boiled water. Watering is carried out at least 2-3 times a week.
  5. The pickling of young seedlings and planting them in separate pots is carried out after 1-1.5 months. after emergence.

Medlar - growing at home

This culture does not stand out by excessive demand for conditions, but there are some features. It is necessary to select the soil mixture correctly so that the medlar gets important substances and develops well at home. In addition, it needs good lighting, and even direct rays are not dangerous for an adult plant. The south-eastern or southern windows are best for growing medlars. There are several recommendations concerning the temperature regime:

  1. Excellent lozenge in a room where the temperature is at a level of 15-18 ° C.
  2. In the spring and summer, when it's warm outside, you can put a tree on a street or a balcony.
  3. In winter, if the medlar remains in the house, then it is necessary to significantly reduce watering. If the pot is taken out on a glassed balcony, where the temperature is about 5 ° C, then the watering completely stops.

Plant medlar at home - choose a pot

For a decorative fruit tree, it does not matter which pot is chosen, so pots of clay, ceramics and plastic are suitable. It is best to give preference to pots of small size so that the soil does not sour during watering, as it often happens when using large containers. If, under the right growing conditions, the medlar grows rapidly, it is better to transplant it into a larger pot.

Cultivation of a medlar from a stone - soil

In order to obtain seedlings that are strong and healthy, it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of soil mixture, and it must include foliage, sand and humus. Note that the sand should be cleaned and hand-made, and you can buy it in flower shops. It is still possible to use low-lying peat. To grow a medlar tree at home, the components of the soil mixture should be taken in different proportions.

How to care for a medlar at home?

There are several mandatory and recommended procedures that are important to know, since without them the tree will simply die. To a greater extent, this concerns watering and feeding. In addition, when growing in the home tree loquat, care will include pruning. With its help you can form a beautiful bush or tree. Remove side branches before they are lignified. The procedure is carried out immediately after the harvest, so that the loquat has time to lay new flower buds. Cropped branches can be used to grow another plant.

Medlar from the stone at home - watering

For an exotic tree, it is important that the soil is constantly moistened, but stagnant liquid is unacceptable. To check if you need to make water, you need to squeeze a little of the earth in your hand, if it does not crumble, then, until the moisture is enough. To develop a loquat, cultivation from the stone of the house and further care, it means regular watering according to the rules:

  1. In the summer, water is often applied and in large quantities, but in winter the amount and abundance of irrigation is significantly reduced.
  2. The next day after watering in the summer, it is recommended to loosen the top layer of soil in the pot.
  3. Understanding the topic of what a plant medlar, how to grow at home and properly follow the tree, it is worth stopping at such a procedure as spraying. Many mistakenly believe that for an exotic culture it is useful, but it is not. The best solution is to shower once a month. To do this, use soft, stagnant and slightly warm water.

Plant medlar at home - top dressing

The tree reacts perfectly to organic fertilizer and during the growing season, you can use the infusion of mullein in a ratio of 1: 8. Another option - feeding for citrus rocks, but only it should take twice the norm. Note that if the fruits begin and the person plans to consume them, it is better to stop feeding a month before harvesting. To grow the fruit in the home loquat, you can use complex mineral fertilizers. Winter feeding is not necessary.

Transplantation of medlar at home

Young plants, which are not yet five years old, are recommended to replant every spring. Adult shrubs or trees need this procedure no more than once every 3-4 years, but every year it is necessary to replace the top layer of soil that covers the roots. In order to fructify the loquat at home, it is recommended to use such soil compositions during transplantation:

  1. Mix 4 parts of turf and 2 parts of turf ground, and add some large sand and compost soil.
  2. For the next suitable variant mix in equal proportions a part of leaf and sod land, humus, peat and coarse sand.
  3. If you want to improve the decorative bush, you can add a bit of crumbled old plaster in the ground.
  4. You can use ready-made earth mixtures containing humus, for example, "Palm" or "Rose".

Plant medlar at home - diseases and pests

When growing this crop in enclosed spaces, some diseases or pests hit the shrub or tree rarely. It is important to monitor the condition of the soil, because if it dries up or, on the contrary, turns sour, leaves will begin to dry in the medlar at home and stains will appear on them. In rare cases, the tree can attack the thyroid gland and the black mushroom.
