Subordination - what is it at work and in the family?

Subordination or subordination plays an important role in the relationships of people in any collective: military, in various organizations and between family members. Subordination is based on respect for the senior in rank, higher colleagues, in the family - this is the recognition of the husband by the head.

Subordination - what is it?

Subordination is, in translation from Latin, subordination. Subordination as a phenomenon was characteristic at first for the military system, where strict adherence to discipline and submission to the commander was a matter of life and death. Today, subordination is a set of rules, laws, corporate ethics in small and large organizations. Violation of subordination entails the collapse of the authority of the leader and, as a consequence, a breach of discipline in general.

Rules of subordination

Observe the subordination in organizations helps to follow the rules and regulations of relations:

  1. The task is appointed by the head of the department in which the subordinate works.
  2. For mistakes in execution, both the employee and the immediate superior are punished.
  3. For the responsibility of the case, it is entirely the responsibility of the person who performs it.
  4. The possibility of applying to the higher authorities is consistent with the head of the department.
  5. The superior manager, when interacting with the middle manager and his subordinates, discusses only the results of the work of the collective as a whole, without criticizing the head of the department.
  6. A uniform form of treatment among employees of different status (for example, by name and patronymic).

Subordination at work

Observance of subordination in the team promotes discipline and business relations based on respect. What is subordination at work? Sociology distinguishes 2 types of subordination, with peculiarities of each subordination:

  1. Vertical subordination. The head is a subordinate. Hierarchy from top to bottom. Execution of orders of higher management.
  2. Horizontal subordination. Relations between co-workers of one rank. Here, partnership and equality. Assumes goodwill and a uniform distribution of work between employees.

How to make the subordinate observe subordination?

Respect for people, their work and mite, which employees contribute to the functioning of the organization, causes reciprocal respect for managers and then compliance with subordination at work is a natural process. Any activity of the organization is regulated, the relationship between the boss and the subordinates is also based on the rules and specific traditions of the firm. In order for an employee to observe subordination, the following recommendations exist:

  1. When hiring a new employee, they are introduced to the rules of corporate ethics and culture.
  2. The leader, for whom the authority among subordinates is important, strives for flexible relations, without authoritarianism and humiliation.
  3. Following subordination by the leaders themselves. All orders are issued in the order: the superior head - the direct head of the department - the employee. Violation of subordination often occurs through the fault of the leaders themselves, when the scheme is violated: the superior supervises the employee, bypassing the immediate leader whose authority to the subordinates falls after several such situations.

How to punish staff for not subordination?

What entails non-observance of subordination in the work collective? Chaos, discord and confusion among the workers themselves, and undermining the authority of superiors. The reason for not obeying submission is more often in poor upbringing and the character of a person . People prone to intrigue and conflict place themselves above others. What if the discipline is already broken? Penalties for non-compliance with subordination in the initial stages:

  1. A note, and then a reprimand.
  2. Monetary collection. The system of monetary penalties.
  3. Dismissal. Extremely rare form of punishment (in some organizations, the violation of subordination is equated with false information).

Subordination in the army

The military subordination is based on the centuries-old tradition of subordinating soldiers to its commander. Degrees, titles, all this is reflected in the military ammunition, the knowledge of which allows the military of different rank in a certain way to greet each other and give honor or tribute. Subordination in the army is a necessary and important element, without which there would be chaos and lawlessness. The subordination includes:

Subordination in the family

The notion of subordination in family relationships rests on the criteria "senior - junior". Traditionally, the husband is the head of the family. Since the time of the patriarchate, there has been a strengthening of the leadership of the man, echoes of this can be seen in many families, where the principles of house construction are preserved and great importance is attached to Christian morality. Subordination in the family is based on the following principles:

  1. Clear division of responsibilities between spouses: housekeeping is entirely the woman's responsibility, the man provides money and makes decisions regarding the upbringing of children.
  2. The wife recognizes the authority of her husband. This does not mean, as they used to say before: "Yes, let the wife of her husband be afraid!", But the fact that a man, as a senior in the house, is a defender and an earner, therefore worthy of respect and reverence.

In a modern family, roles are often mistaken, a woman earns more than a man, works for two, so the notion of subordination is blurred. A man in such a family no longer feels an authority, this is facilitated by a wife who constantly emphasizes her superiority. In families where respect reigns, subordination is observed regardless of who earns how much.