Dracaena - reproduction by cuttings at home

A visitor from the hot African lands, the beautiful dracena became quite ordinary sight on our window sills. Domestic flower growers have successfully mastered all the details of caring for this bright ornamental plant, having managed to adapt the dracen and to the dry air of the heated flats, both to the off-season coolness, and to a short enough summer. They successfully mastered all the tricks of propagation of dracaena at home by cuttings.

Reproduction of dracaena by cuttings

With a few exceptions, all kinds of dracaena at home can be reproduced vegetatively, that is, parts of an adult plant (cuttings): dracena sander, dracaena dermis, etc. .. For reproduction, you can use almost any part of dracaena: apical, airy or stem cuttings. At the same time, they can be taken from both a fully healthy plant and from the dracena affected by improper care or illnesses, carefully separating the substandard runaway site or the dried top. In general, to make the venture a success, it will take the following:

  1. A sharp knife . To prevent Drachen's stalk from becoming a victim of rot, but safely released roots and set off, the cut must be perfectly even. Such a cut can be achieved only with the help of a well ground knife, because when cutting with scissors or a secateur, the edges of the cuttings will inevitably come.
  2. Antiseptic . To ensure that the cutting site does not become the entrance gate to infection, it must be treated as quickly as possible with any improvised antiseptic: finely crushed coal, ash or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In addition, the cut can be sealed and melted wax, but it is difficult to withstand the desired temperature - a very hot wax can burn the plant, which will lead to its death.
  3. Stimulant rooting . The period of rooting of dracenia cuttings is usually delayed for a period of two to two and a half months. To shorten the waiting period, you should use special stimulant preparations: "Heteroauxin", "Kornevin", etc.
  4. Substrate . Draczen can be entrenched both in water and in the substrate. The second method is preferable, since with it there is no need to disturb the stem once more during the water replacement and the substrate is less susceptible to the development of putrefactive bacteria.

We also add that the best time for dracen seeding is the spring, when it enters a phase of active growth. If necessary, this plant can be propagated in autumn, spring, and even in winter, but the process of rooting cuttings will then go much longer.